Agenda item


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Officers presented an update on the Economic Strategy for West Norfolk, as included in the Agenda.  It was noted that the Panel had received regular updates on progess with the Strategy and this update provided information on consultation, engagement and next steps.


Officers set out the holistic, inclusive and sustainable approach that would be taken to economic growth which echoed the new Government’s approach to Growth Plans.  It was also noted that it would be a requirement for Devolution areas to have Growth Plans in place.


Information was provided to the Panel on the levers of growth, challenges, distinctive sectors and strengths.


The presentation also included information on the vision for 2045 against the strategic priorities and development of interventions.  The Assistant Director explained it was important to act collaboratively and get a range of organisations to feed into the process to help shape actions and investment opportunities.  The Economic Strategy for West Norfolk would be an important document to inform investment opportunities and to lever in private sector investment.


The Regeneration Programmes Manager explained that the document had been through extensive consultation and engagement across the Borough and the Strategy had been developed following feedback and data analysis.


The Panel was informed that the next step was to launch the consultation document on the draft vision and strategy.  There would be two consultations running, a high level one which was open to the public and a more detailed one which would be sent to all partners and shareholders and would also ask them for a call for projects including detail of investment plans and ideas on projects to achieve the outcomes and address the challenges in the draft scheme.


Following the consultation period the Strategy would go through the formal decision making process, likely to come to this Panel in November and Cabinet in December 2024.


The Chair thanked officers for the update and invited questions and comments from the Panel, as summarised below.  The Chair was reassured that a lot of work and effort had been put into bringing this strategy forward and thanked all those involved.


Councillor Osborne echoed the Chairs comments and was pleased that a lot of engagement had taken place.  He referred to the figures relating to housing growth contained in the report and asked if this would need to be updated following the change in housing needs announced by Government.  The Assistant Director explained that work would be carried out to amend and add to the strategy to reflect the changes coming in with the new Government.  He also explained that it was important not to conflict or predetermine work carried out as part of the Local Plan process and explained that work would be carried out with the Local Plan Task Group as required.


Councillor Bubb commented that there was currently little incentive for new businesses to invest in the area and asked what would be provided through the Strategy.  The Chair commented that infrastructure was important to make the area attractive to new Businesses.  He explained that along with improvements in rail links and roads, alternatives to car use needed to be promoted.  He suggested a monorail serving Hunstanton, which would take traffic from the A149 and also be a unique tourist attraction.  The Assistant Director reminded the Panel that creation of the Economic Strategy had been carried out in tandem with development of a Countywide Economic Strategy which stressed the need for an adequate supply of business land and premises and this would also link back to the importance of ensuring the adequate allocation of business and employment land in the Local Plan.


Councillor Colwell thanked those businesses and organisations that had engaged with the process.  He commented that he felt that Brexit had had a detrimental impact on labour and trade.  He also referred to the opportunities that a Devolution Deal would bring, and noted that the current Devolution deal had been paused and hoped that this would allow for more exciting opportunities to come forward.  He commented that it was important to be bold on what the area wanted to achieve from any Devolution Deal and this strategy was an important document to help achieve this.


Councillor Colwell referred to the vision which mentioned the evening economy and he commented that this was a huge untapped area and linked into so many other opportunities.  He also commented that year round tourism was important along with embracing Heritage.


RESOLVED: The update was noted.

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