Agenda item


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The Assistant Director for Regeneration, Housing and Place presented the report to the Panel. He highlighted the funding was to provide 12 new build home, 4 for eligible Afghan households and 8 properties for temporary accommodation.


He highlighted to the Panel 12 new build homes which would then be transferred to West Norfolk Housing Company. The Assistant Director for Regeneration, Housing and Place added this funding supported the Borough Council’s new Homelessness and Rough Sleeping Strategy.


He outlined the options and recommendations set out in the repot and drew the Panel’s attention to the risk of delivery being mitigated due to the stock of properties being constructed by the Borough Council.


The Assistant Director for Regeneration, Housing and Place provided an update to the Panel on LAHF 1 and 2 which were delivered and confirmed the LAHF 3 date for delivery was 31st March 2026.


The Chair thanked the Assistant Director for Regeneration, Housing and Place for the report and invited questions and comments from the Panel.


Councillor Long commented the report was concise and sought clarification if the properties were from new build stock or existing properties on the market.


The Assistant Director for Regeneration, Housing and Place confirmed to the Panel the opportunities in the current market would be considered and acquisition from a third party however using the Borough Council’s stock of properties made it easier in LAHF 1 and 2.


Councillor Kemp asked if the funding would be used on abandoned and existing properties which required refurbishment or if it was only used on new build properties.


The Assistant Director for Regeneration, Housing and Place highlighted the benefits of new build properties and explained the flexibility of the funding which that opportunity could be explored. He added the maintenance of new build properties were more suited for the overall achievement.


Councillor Rust, Portfolio Holder added how the Borough Council is fortunate to have the opportunity again and highlighted the benefit of LAHF 1 and 2. She added further the Borough Council’s stock provided assurance on quality.


Councillor Bullen sought clarification on the location of these properties.


The Assistant Director for Regeneration, Housing and Place confirmed the properties would be in King’ Lynn.


RESOLVED: The Environment and Community Panel supports the recommendations to Cabinet as set out below;


1.    The Council will enter a Memorandum of Understanding with MHCLG based on the attached prospectus for the Local Authority Housing Fund (see appendix 2). Authority is delegated to the Executive Director (Place) in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Housing People and 105 Communities to agree the final terms of the Memorandum of Understanding with MHCLG.


2.    The Council will accept the total sum of £1,694,876 offered to the Council by MHCLG under the Local Authority Housing Fund to deliver the programme understanding the match funding requirements as set out in the report and attached prospectus.


3.    Cabinet agrees that, subject to agreement from West Norfolk Housing Company, the properties will be acquired by West Norfolk Housing Company, funded by the grant, debt financing and other available funding.


4.    Authority is delegated to Assistant Director Resources & S151 Officer in consultation with the portfolio holder for Finance to agree terms with West Norfolk Housing Company for the transfer of properties on the Council’s developments including arrangements for deferred consideration if necessary.


5.    The Council requests that West Norfolk Housing Company works with the Council to deliver the properties through the fund.


6.    Cabinet agrees to the principle of allocating 4 properties acquired through the fund to eligible Afghan households.


7.    Authority is delegated to the Executive Director (Place) to alter the proposed Florence Fields tenure mix, originally agreed by Cabinet on the 17th January 2023, where necessary, to facilitate the disposal of properties previously identified as Private Rent and/or Open Market Sale, to West Norfolk Housing Company (WNHC) as affordable housing


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