Agenda item




24/01092/FM | Change of use from Class C1 to Class C3 for the repurposing of the current site, its existing structures and the introduction of new structures to the site achieving a total of 21no assisted living units and one staff flat | Stuart House Hotel 35 Goodwins Road King's Lynn Norfolk PE30 5QX



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The Senior Planner presented the application and explained to the Sub-Group the application was for the Stuart House Hotel to be changed into 21 assisted living units and one staff flat. She highlighted the location of the site and confirmed it was outside of the Conservation Area. She highlighted further the trees on the site and brought to the Sub-Group’s attention some of these had Tree Protection Orders.


The Senior Planner brought to the Sub-Group’s attention the existing plans and the proposed plans which included extensions to rationalise the existing development along with a new build element to the rear of the site. She clarified the plans included an additional second floor in the roof space and comments were still outstanding from the Conservation Officer and the Arboriculture Officer


The Chair invited questions and comments from the Sub- Group.


Councillor Ware referred to the responses of the application and raised the concern of the new dwelling diminishing light for one of the neighbouring dwellings.


The Senior Planner confirmed in relation to this orientation and distance of the new proposed dwelling needed to be considered which had been raised to the agents.


Councillor Ware sought clarification of who owned the access to the site which was outside the boundaries.


The Chair added further, the Stuart House Hotel maintained the access and asked who would be maintaining this now.


The Senior Planner clarified there was no information on who owned the access to the site.


The Chair raised concern on the small access to the site and when works begin the distribution lorries and works traffic would cause.


The Senior Planner advised a condition of construction works would be included.


The Chair referred to a community space for residents not being included in the application.


The Senior Planner confirmed this was something which needed to be considered as part of the application.


Councillor Ware brought to the Sub-Group’d attention the concern that tourism was being encouraged and generated however from this application the Borough would be lacking a hotel. She further asked if the units were to be sold or rented.


The Senior Planner explained the need for assisted living and therefore this needed to be a balanced consideration. She added under Section 106 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 the units were required to be appropriately used.



AGREED: That the Sub-Group agreed the application with the following stipulations;


1)    That the community space for occupants needed to be considered in the application.

2)    That the maintenance and ownership of the access drive was considered.

3)    A condition of construction work be included.  





24/00873/FM | Redevelopment of Disco Drives site to provide new timber services warehouse and two new starter units | Disco Drives Ltd Oldmedow Road Hardwick Industrial Estate King's Lynn Norfolk PE30 4LE


Click here to view the recording of this item on YouTube.


The Planner presented the application and explained the location of the site along with the existing and proposed plans. He brought to the Sub-Group’s attention this was the first consultation.


The Planner advised the Sub-Group there was no Biodiversity Net gain but a loss and highlighted the objections to the application which included Ecology and Highways. He added the objection from Highways was due to not enough parking and the Internal Drainage Board asked for further clarification.


Councillor Jones stated there was no concern for parking due to the type of business. 


The Planner explained the standards for car parking was calculated by Highways.


The Principal Planner explained further the balance of car parking and that the application included a reduction in the car parking on the site.


The Chair and Councillor Ware had no questions or comments on the application.


AGREED: That the Sub-Group had no objection to the application.