Agenda item

P-21.02- EZ NORA Infrastructure

P-21.03a - EZ NORA Spec Units Phase 1

P-21.05 - Parkway (Florence Fields)

P-21.06 - Salters Road

P-21.08 - Southend Road

P-21.09 - West Winch Growth Area

P-21.10a - Southgates Place Making

P-21.10b - STARS

P-21.11 - Guildhall

P-21.12 - ACC

P-21.14 - Riverfront

P-21.15 - Rail to River

P-21.16 - MUCH

P-23.08 - Lynnsport 1 (Valentine Park)


Click here to view the recording of this item on YouTube.


The Executive Director presented the Highlight Reports following the Overview Reports.




The Executive Director brought to the Board’s attention this project had an overall red status. He highlighted the key reasons the status had moved to red included the crossing at Tennyson Road was time constrained and the way contamination was dealt with on the NORA site. The Executive Director stated to the Board, different options and clarification needed to be considered on the contamination being dealt with for the project to move forward.


Councillor Long sought clarification on the change in regulations and what needed to be done to mitigate the contamination. He queried further if there was any government funding for the project to continue following the change in regulations.


The Chair, Councillor Beales advised the Board the site was purchased with a discount due to the contamination. He provided assurance that the Assistant Director, Property and Projects was actively talking to the Environment Agency. The Chair, Councillor Beales, advised the Board the reserve had been spent on NORA Spec Units Project.


Councillor Long commented it needed to be progressed with higher management at the Environment Agency as it has been unsuccessful with local representatives.


The Chair, Councillor Beales encouraged Officers to go direct to the Head Office of the Environment Agency however from the Environment Agency’s point of view the question has been resolved. He invited the Board’s view on trying to politically contact the local Environment Agency representatives or to look at alternative sites.


The Vice- Chair, Councillor Ring agreed with the comments from Councillor Long and commented further other sites would need to be considered or the project be withdrawn.


Councillor Morley sought clarification on the cost implications on removing the contamination. 


The Chair, Councillor Beales confirmed it was included in the initial costings of the project and it would not be affordable.


The Assistant Director, Resources and Section 151 Officer clarified the figure £850,000 was set aside as a contingency which had all been utilised. 


The Chair, Councillor Beales confirmed the reserves had therefore been used. He advised he will get a summary of the situation from the Assistant Director, Property and Projects.


Councillor Morley referred to the report and asked for an explanation on the achievements during this period and the story board mapping.


The Executive Director confirmed he will clarify and advised Councillor Morley.



NORA Infrastructure & Enterprise Zone


The Executive Director brought to the Board’s attention this project had an overall red status due to being behind on timescales and the financial impact as Norfolk County Council reported an overspend. He advised on the other hand there had been progress made on the site.


The Chair, Councillor Beales provided a further update on Norfolk County Council and informed the Board of conversations with them about the infrastructure and overspend.  He confirmed the conversations had not delayed the project. 


Councillor Long commented to the Board the sooner the units are occupied then the sooner Norfolk County Council would receive an income.




The Executive Director highlighted to the Board; this project had an overall red status and there had been changes in the dates of the project due to the recent parliamentary election.


The Assistant Director, Regeneration, Housing and Place provided further detail on the project. He explained to the Board there was a funding gap of £11 million and the project was behind on timescales and a project adjustment request would be submitted with Central Government.


Councillor Morley advised the Board the funding gap was £14 million which included the initial £3 million.


The Vice Chair, Councillor Ring clarified the £3 million which was being referred to was included in the £11 million funding gap.


The Assistant Director, Resources and Section 151 Officer provided further clarification that the £3 million was included in the total £11 million shortfall because the Council had indicated a commitment to underwrite it but had not identified how this would be funded. She added further as part of the funding strategy income streams would be identified to support that and would be set out in a report coming back to Cabinet in Spring 2025.


The Chair, Councillor Beales commented further on the reasons why the budget has increased due to discoveries of the building and cost inflation.


NORA EZ Development of Spec Units


The Executive Director presented the highlight report and advised the Board the status of this project was amber. He advised the Board there had been delays in the timescales due to the delay in utilities being connected. He advised further the final connection was being made and the Council was liaising with the tenant.


Councillor Long sought clarification on the criteria and as to why the project status was amber as he believed it to be red due to surrounding buildings, for example Waste Management Alliance being completed and occupied for over a year. 


The Executive Director responded to Councillor Long’s question and explained the timeline was rated a red status and all other aspects of the project are rated a green status so therefore an amber status overall.



Parkway (Florence Fields)


The Executive confirmed to the board the status of this project was amber and provided the highlights of this project.  He confirmed to the Board the recent issue had been resolved and a new groundwork contractor was in place. He advised the Board; the project was still at the early stages however continued to be moving forward. He confirmed to the Board the show home should be open in December.


The Chair, Councillor Beales informed the Board that after a visit to the site, there had been major transformation due to the weather and the amber status reflected the delays with Network Rail.


Southend Road


The Executive Director provided an update to the Board and highlighted the status was amber. He brought to the Board’s attention the key issue included delays in the timescale and difficulties at the site. He confirmed the show home opened on the 13th July.



Riverfront Regeneration


The Executive Director presented a highlight update on the Riverfront project which included the Custom’s House, Riverfront and Devil’s Alley. He advised the Custom’s House there had been difficulties around the Planning Conservations Area. He added further the Devil’s Alley aspect of the project has progressed however there had been local objections to this. He added the Assistant Director, Property and Projects was working to resolve the key issues.


The Chair, Councillor Beales referred to communication with Historic England regarding the Custom’s House and formal feedback from them was awaited. He provided assurance to the Board the Custom’s House would be less changed that originally envisaged however more of a useable building.



MUCH- Multi-User Community Hub (Library)


The Executive Director highlighted the key issues which included the mast being moved which had been delayed however recent positive correspondence has been received and progress had been made. He advised we were working with Norfolk County Council to deliver this project.


The Chair, Councillor Beales encouraged members to refer to the MUCH project as the library. He advised the Board he had met with the staff of the library and reported the positivity and excitement and enthusiasm of this project.


Councillor Morley referred to a planning application relating to this project that was planned to be submitted mid-July and asked for an update on this.


The Chair, Councillor Beales advised it had not been submitted and would provide an update to the Board in relation to this however the planning application would be a County  Council matter. He added further funding from Norfolk County Council had been given to this project.


Councillor Long highlighted to the board a way a library is used has changed and encouraged the positivity and enthusiasm of the new library. He commented the MUCH project needed to be advertised and communicated to the public with what is included.


The Vice- Chair, Councillor Ring commented communication and advertised was needed around the new library. He added Norfolk County Council had invited community groups to submit an expression of interest in the Carnegie building and he stated he had asked to be on the panel to ensure there was a Borough influence. He added further the building did require repairs and there was a covenant on the building to remain community based.


Councillor Ware referred the Board to the newspaper in which an article was included surrounding heritage of towns. She added the article stated there was a link between historic places and increased creativity and economic activity.


The Vice- Chair, Councillor Ring further commented the article was describing what the Council is doing in King’s Lynn and all the history in the town. He commented to members there was more that could be done.


The Assistant Director, Resources and Section 151 Officer highlighted to the Board that the Project Highlight Reports did not include the financial sections in the report. She added the year end outturn report for capital and revenue went to Cabinet at end of July which identified an underspend. She confirmed projects were being revisited and rephased as part of a review of the capital programme which would result in changes to the figures to be reported at a future meeting.


The Executive Director referred the Board to the reports for all projects with a green status. He invited questions from the Board.


The Chair, Councillor Beales referred to the Southgates project needed to be review if the Brownfield Funding was not received. He referred further to the STARS project and highlight it was also a heritage project as well as transport project. He advised the Board this was a generational project which needed to be done right.


Councillor Long brought to the attention of the Board concerns of traffic continued to go through the Southgates and the traffic flow needed to be diverted.


Councillor Morley queried what will happen to the Southgate’s project if the STARS project was to be cancelled.


The Chair, Councillor Beales suggested the project would not be cancelled but needed to address not just transport project but a high-quality public realm.


The Executive Director highlighted the impact of the ACC project on the STARS project.


The Chair, Councillor Beales provided an update on Lynnsport, Valentine Park. He advised the Board, that complaints had been received regarding dust from the site and confirmed a solution had been found and work continue to progress.




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