Agenda item


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The Corporate Governance Manager/ Assistant to the Chief Executive presented the report on Alive West Norfolk Arrangements.


The Corporate Governance Manager/ Assistant to the Chief Executive outlined the aspirations of Alive West Norfolk and that the post five year start up remained challenging. The report concluded that Alive West Norfolk required subsidy from the Borough Council. She highlighted the need and requirement to invest in improvement of facilities in Lynnsport, St James pool or Oasis pool however there was no capital.


She outlined the recommendations to Cabinet in the report and explained the governance and operations of Alive West Norfolk were recommended to be returned to in-house management with the management and structure to be determined following the appointment of the new Chief Executive. She confirmed to the Panel the options which had been considered as part of the review.


The Corporate Governance Manager/ Assistant to the Chief Executive explained the complexity to administer Alive West Norfolk and the static levels of activity and visit levels. She explained the key elements to the Panel such as all of the Alive West Norfolk Staff being on the Borough Council terms and conditions already therefore further costs would not be incurred.


The Chair thanked the Corporate Governance Manager/ Assistant to the Chief Executive for the report and invited questions and comments from the Panel.


Councillor Kemp endorsed the recommendations and agreed Alive West Norfolk would be more profitable in-house. She asked what consultation would be taken and what action would be taken to include and encourage people without surplus income.


The Interim Assistant Director Leisure, Arts and Lynnsport clarified consultation had been taken with users and non-users and encouraging young people to exercise. He confirmed he was still awaiting the results from the survey. He added in regard to value for money there has been continuous financial pressures in recent years and this had led to price rises for the customer at the same time as the quality of the facilities had gone down. This resulted in perceptions of reduced value for money amongst users. If facilities were improved this would increase income and give the council more flexibility on pricing policies.


Councillor Heneghan confirmed that due to the number of gyms in the area, she looked forward to seeing the result of the survey and hoped work was done to prioritise what it was that users wanted. She endorsed Alive West Norfolk to come back in-house. 


Portfolio Holder, Councillor Ring commented that the detail of the report demonstrated the need for Alive West Norfolk to be brought back in-house. He highlighted to the Panel these facilities do not go well in a business together. He highlighted in the next four to five years what the Council could deliver and return in profit. He made further comment that the Council was fortunate to own these facilities and added that the Council could provide an efficient service with bringing Alive West Norfolk in house and to deliver and identify Health and Wellbeing opportunities.  


The Chair, Councillor Bullen referred to the report and asked about the 10% activity being down since Covid and what the contributions were.


The Corporate Governance Manager/Assistant to the Chief Executive advised there were a number of factors including people being reluctant to return to areas that could be high risk areas and also lack of disposable income due to increase in energy bills. She added there were a variety of causes and difficult to specify.


RESOLVED: The Environment and Community Panel supports the report and recommendations to Cabinet.




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