Agenda item


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The Housing Services Manager introduced the Strategy to the Panel and advised that all Local Authorities were required by law to produce a Homelessness and Rough Sleeping Strategy every five years.


The Senior Housing Manager gave a presentation to the Panel on the Homelessness and Rough Sleeping Strategy, a copy is attached.


The Senior Housing Manager advised the timeline of the strategy which included a review which was conducted in the autumn and winter of 2023/24 and published in April 2024. He added as part of the timeline, the draft strategy was completed in July 2024 and therefore was on track. The Senior Housing Manager explained to the Panel sessions had been held to encourage input from Council employees, Local Partners, Public Survey and people with lived experience of homelessness, with a total of 118 individuals contributing.


The Senior Housing Manager highlighted to the Panel the Key Strategy Aims were prevention, intervention, accommodation, recovery, and system support/service culture. He highlighted the values and behaviours included in the strategy which were dignity, transparency, flexibility, collaboration, and empowerment.


The Chair, Councillor Bullen thanked the Senior Housing Manager for the presentation and the detail of the Strategy produced along with all the work involved.


Portfolio Holder, Councillor Rust thanked all the Housing Team for their hard work and by ending homelessness person by person and putting them at the heart of the strategy.


Councillor Kemp commented that the report was ambitious and included detail in depth.  Councillor Kemp asked if the Strategy included more help for people renting in the private sector along with if there were any plans for help with mortgages and if the Borough Council would be a guarantor for rent. She further asked if the Strategy included improved access to mainstream health services.


The Senior Housing Manager responded to Councillor Kemp’s questions. He advised the Strategy focused on improved partnerships with the private sector. He commented guaranteed rents could be considered with an effective scheme. The Senior Housing Manager stated regarding mortgages, this was not a trend currently but if this became a further issue then it would be investigated further. He commented further regarding the working relationships with the private sector which included Citizen Advice Bureau and Inclusion Health.


Portfolio Holder, Councillor Rust added Shelters and Citizen Advice Bureau were already existing services which helped with managing tight budgets and the Borough Council provided the ‘Beat the Bills’ scheme.


Councillor Kunes asked if the Council provide accommodation for customers where the properties do not have restrictions, for example pets or smoking allowed.


The Senior Housing Manager clarified Housing First provided a service for people who were unable to progress in a hostel environment or settings where there were extensive restrictions. He added Housing First worked with support accommodation providers to provide accommodation to ensure there was no negative impact.


Councillor Kemp sought clarification if Care Leavers had been identified in the Strategy.


The Housing Services Manager provided assurance that there was already policies and frameworks in place in relation to Care Leavers and needs have been identified however policy allocation was being reviewed.


Portfolio Holder, Councillor Rust referred members to the Care Leavers Covenant which highlighted what the Council would be doing for Care Leavers, and this overlapped existing policies.


The Chair, Councillor Bullen commented that it needed to be recognised that the Borough Council were addressing the issues with Homelessness and Rough Sleeping and working hard to end homelessness one by one.


The Senior Housing Manager elaborated further that ending homelessness was the overall goal on the horizon and the strategy works towards that.


RESOLVED: That the 2024-2029 Strategy is adopted and that the role of the Environment and Community Panel group - Homelessness and Housing Delivery Task Group in overseeing the delivery of the Action Plan within the strategy was endorsed.



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