Agenda item


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The Corporate Performance Officer presented the report which provided an update on progress against the Council’s Corporate Strategy and key performance indicators.  Information was provided on those targets that had met, exceeded, not met or were monitor only.


The Chair thanked the Corporate Performance Officer for the report and invited questions and comments from the Panel, as summarised below.


Councillor Spikings asked what would be put in place to meet new Government build targets and speed up planning processes.  The Assistant Director for Development explained that work was being carried out to reduce the reliance on extension of times and putting pressure on agents to submit information in a timely manner to avoid delays.  He explained that progress was being made against the relevant targets, but Major Applications were difficult as there were complex requirements to consider such as Biodiversity Net Gain.  The Assistant Director confirmed that three new Graduate Planners had also been appointed.


Councillor Osborne referred to the targets relating to the percentage of council tax collected and stated that it was marked as green, although it had not met target.  The Corporate Performance Officer stated that this was because it was marginally over the percentage required.


The Chair, Councillor Blunt referred to work being carried out to speed up planning processes and he asked if a review of consultation periods would be carried out along with a review of the Planning Sifting process, both of which could delay planning applications and it was explained by the Assistant Director that the Planning Scheme of Delegation would be reviewed, but it was unlikely that consultations would change.  A review of internal processes could be carried out.


The Chair, Councillor Blunt referred to the Car Parking Strategy target which was marked as amber.  He felt that this should be marked as red.  The Executive Director stated that work was moving forward with production of the Strategy and delays had occurred so that the Strategy could align with other strategies such as West Norfolk Economic Strategy.


In response to a question from the Chair, Councillor Blunt, The Executive Director explained that work on Downham Market Public Toilets had now gone out to tender and work was moving forward.


Councillor Spikings referred to the targets relating to established permanent posts and sickness absence and commented that these should include long term sickness absences and temporary posts.  The Corporate Performance Officer agreed to include this information in the next period’s report.


Councillor Collingham referred to the spend on Bed and Breakfast Accommodation which had increased and the Assistant Director, Regeneration, Housing and Place explained that spend had now plateaued and acknowledged that there had been an increase in the need to use Bed and Breakfast accommodation for temporary accommodation due to the rates of homelessness in the Borough.  He explained that a Homelessness Review had been carried out and had been presented to the previous Environment and Community Panel Meeting.  A new Strategy would be launched in October.


Councillor Jones referred to the indicators referring to fly tipping and asked if information could be provided on the number of incidents, to give context to the percentages included in the report.  It was confirmed that this information would be circulated to the Panel for information and included in future reports.


The Leader of the Council, Councillor Beales thanked the Panel for their comments.  He referred to the Car Parking Strategy and explained that it was important that this strategy aligned with others and was not taken through in isolation.


Councillor Kemp addressed the Panel under Standing Order34.  She stated that better dentistry was required in the Borough and what provision would be available in the new Health Hub at NORA.  The Executive Director explained that the site was not owned or operated by the Council, so the Council could not dictate what services would be provided, however the Council did continue to work with partners as appropriate.


RESOLVED: The Corporate Performance Panel supported the recommendations to Cabinet, as set out below:


That Cabinet reviews the Performance Management Report and comments on the delivery against the Corporate Strategy.

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