Agenda item


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The Senior Corporate Governance and Risk Officer/Climate Change Manager presented the Risk Register Update.


The Senior Corporate Governance and Risk Officer/Climate Change Manager advised the Committee the risk was influenced by external factors such as the economy. He further advised that since the last review three matters had emerged: short term cash flow issue, issues following a sub-contractor to Lovell Homes going into administration resulting in delays in the housing programme and thirdly, Senior Management staff changes. He confirmed to the Committee there were no proposals to add or delete any risks from the register.


The Chair invited questions and comments from members of the Committee.


Councillor Bearshaw highlighted due to the financial position of the country he did not expect the risk to have changed to the financial risks. He added that due to the resignation of the Chief Executive and changes to Senior Management he expected this risk to increase however it had not. Councillor Bearshaw confirmed it is expected that if the mitigation barrier decreased the risk score would increase.


The Chair endorsed Councillor Bearshaw’s comment and highlighted further the changes in Senior Management were not reflected in the Risk Register.


Councillor Long referred to the risk score in August 2023 and the report of the Chief Executive and Executive Directors retiring. He added that now the new Chief Executive had been appointed and a start date had been agreed the risk had therefore reduced as actions had been taken. 


Councillor Bearshaw highlighted the vacancies in the Planning department and advised the Committee he expected the risk to be higher. 


Councillor de Winton stated he believed Councillor Bearshaw’s point was an academic point and the resignation of the Chief Executive would not prevent the Council from operating.


The Assistant Director brought to the Committee’s attention the score for change management was at 20 which had included a major impact due to the period of change. She added as the recruitment process had been concluded with the appointment of the new Chief Executive this was a major impact not an extreme impact. She provided assurance to the Committee there were plans in place to cover any gaps throughout this change.


The Chair thank the Assistant Director and stated that Officers had considered plans throughout this change. The Chair added he was surprised that the risks had not changed and referred to Alive West Norfolk and the property market.


The Portfolio Holder, Councillor Morley commented the internal drainage boards potential to be funded elsewhere and this should be included in the report as a risk. He added financial sustainability is difficult and it forced management to be more effective due to lack of funds.


Councillor Bearshaw referred the Committee to the Strategic Risk 3 and commented there was still a consultation on the shortfall of Gypsy/Traveller Community, and this was not detailed in the report.


The Assistant Director confirmed to members this would need to be feedback to the relevant Assistant Director.


Councillor Bearshaw referred the Committee to the Strategic Risk 5 which was the Council’s ability to respond to major emergencies and if any of the considerations had been adopted.


The Senior Corporate Governance and Risk Officer/Climate Change Manager advised he would check with the Assistant Director and feedback to the Committee.


Councillor de Winton referred to Strategic Risk 5 and that a community fire is not mentioned in this risk and the fire service had advised there is no direct line to the Borough Council. He added he wanted to encourage liaison between the fire service and the Borough Council.


Councillor Long further commented he was surprised the fire service felt there was no direct line to the Borough Council, and this needed to be looked at operationally.


Councillor Bone added mitigation of the risk surrounding global warming and loss of trees following the fire’s last year therefore fire should be included in this risk.


The Senior Corporate Governance and Risk Officer/Climate Change Manager added incidents such as this would go through the Council’s CCTV control room and a significant incident team which included Senior Management.


The Chair asked Officers if the documents provided could be presented in a different format and more user friendly.


The Senior Corporate Governance and Risk Officer/Climate Change Manager provided assurance to the Committee that a new software product to produce these reports and fulfil different purposes such as action plan and performance indicator reporting was being progressed.


The Chair sought clarification on the next risk review update.


The Senior Corporate Governance and Risk Officer/Climate Change Manager confirmed the next review is in August 2024 and would be presented to the Audit Committee in November.


Councillor Bearshaw referred to the previous review and sought clarification on the testing of an emergency plan.


The Senior Corporate Governance and Risk Officer/Climate Change Manager confirmed this had recently been tested with a loss of electricity scenario and confirmed further feedback would be provided.


RESOLVED: The Committee agreed the Corporate Risk Register as at May 2024 and agreed Management Team’s assessment of the risks to the corporate business plan.







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