Agenda item

The Task Group ‘is asked to note the report and ‘endorse the process going forward to adoption, in accordance with the proposed timetable set out in Appendix 1


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The Planning Policy Manager introduced the report and explained that the Borough Council formally submitted its Local Plan in March 2022 for Examination.  In doing so, the Borough Council made a formal request to the Secretary of State Department for Levelling Up, Housing & Communities that the appointed Inspectors recommend any modifications required to make the Local Plan legally compliant and sound.


A first round of hearings took place in December 2022 and January 2023.  These were then adjourned, with reconvened hearings taking place in March and April 2024.  As part of this, an accelerated timescale through to adoption was agreed and published.  This would result in the Local Plan being adopted before the conclusion of the financial year (March 2025).  The process going forward included consulting on Main Modifications later this year (2024); required to ensure that the Local Plan was legally compliant and sound.


The Planning Policy Manager explained that the main change to the regular process was splitting the plan in two – part one would be the majority of the Local Plan content and policies, part two would be the Gypsy and Traveller and Travelling Show people element.  This would enable the Inspector to issue their report to the Borough Council as soon as possible, meaning a quicker time for overall adoption could be achieved.


The Main Modifications would be subject to six-week public consultations for each of the two parts.  Representations received would inform the Inspectors Local Plan report.  It was anticipated that this would recommend that the Local Plan could be adopted subject to the inclusion of a series of Main Modifications.  Following this a report would be prepared and taken to Cabinet and Full Council, which would recommend that the Local Plan be formally adopted (February / March 2025).


In response to comments from Councillor Blunt, the Planning Policy Manager advised that whilst the Plan was being split during the main modifications consultation period, there would be one Local Plan but to get to that point it allowed officers and the Council to get on and prepare the bulk of the plan, as hearings were scheduled in September for the Gypsy and Travellers work which was on-going.  He further advised that the final report from the Inspector, which would consider both consultations on main modifications, was anticipated in January 2025.


The Chair added that he had attended the second week of the hearings, and it was very conducive atmosphere and he wanted to reassure the Task Group that the officers were very well informed, and there was contribution from agents and members of the public and other Councillors, and he was very pleased with how it went.  He thanked the officers and team for all the hard work that had been carried out to get the Plan to where it was.


Councillor de Whalley added that he had also sat in on the hearings and the Inspector had been very complementary and he asked for that to be recorded and noted.


In response to a comment from Councillor de Whalley, the Planning Policy Manager referred the Task Group to the appendix attached to the report which set out the timetable.  He also confirmed that all Parish Councils and everyone on the local plan consultation database would be informed of the main modifications consultation.


The Task Group then discussed whether it would be possible for them to see the report before it went to Cabinet.


It was advised that the timetable had been agreed with the Inspectors and could not be elongated and explained the reasons why the Local Plan needed to be adopted before the end of the financial year.


The Chair added that he felt that it would be beneficial for the Task Group to see the report before it went to Cabinet.


In response to a comment as to when the Local Plan became effective, the Planning Policy Manager advised that this would be as soon as it was adopted.  He added that before adoption, some of the policies could be used as emerging policies for decision-making, and at the point of adoption it would carry full weight.


AGREED:       That the Task Group note the report and endorses the process going forward to adoption, in accordance with the proposed timetable set out in Appendix 1, subject to a potential additional Task Group meeting being arranged prior to the Inspector’s Report being considered by Cabinet in February 2025, if the timetable allowed.

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