Agenda item


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The Monitoring Officer presented the report which proposed that terms of reference be adopted to create a new decision making replace the King’s Lynn Area Consultative Committee, due to be considered by Cabinet on 5 March 2024.


The Monitoring Officer advised that decisions of KLAC would be executive decisions subject to call-in under the Council’s constitution.


The Panel was informed that KLACC had been consulted at two public meetings on the proposals and a draft Terms of Reference for an Area Committee was attached at Appendix 1.


The Chair thanked the Monitoring Officer for the report and invited Councillors attending under Standing Order 34 to address the Panel.


Under Standing Order 34, Councillor Kemp addressed the Panel and commented that it was a step in the right direction and added that the allocated budget from reserves/ community centres was not ideal but was just a start.  Councillor Kemp added that she was disappointed that Cabinet had not allocated a proper budget.


The Chair invited the Panel to ask questions/make comments, a summary of which is set out below.


Councillor Long referred to the reserves pot which was to be used within KLACC wards and added what would happen when there was no reserve left and asked if there would be an ongoing budget to support the work of the proposed KLAC.  In response, the Monitoring Officer explained that the terms of reference 4.1 – to determine the spend of any budget allocated to KLAC.


Following a question from Councillor Blunt, the Monitoring Officer confirmed that KLAC would have the authority to submit a CIL application as part of the normal process.


Councillor Ryves commented on the £35,000 budget was linked to community centres.


The Chair, Councillor Dark commented that there had been two plans:


1)         To look at the potential to create a Town Council.

2)         To look at the creation of a King’s Lynn Area Committee


and added that Councillor Jones had been instrumental in proposing an alternative to a Town Council.  The Chair referred to the comments made by Councillor Ryves above and expressed concern on the £35,000 funding for community centres and the potential impact.  In conclusion, the Chair asked if officers of the Portfolio Holder for Finance could answer the question regarding budget in the financial plan for this year and going forward.


The Chair invited the Leader to address the Panel.


The Leader explained that money had been allocated to KLAC and going forward would seek to source additional funding from a variety of methods and added that in his view it would give KLAC more powers in the decision making process.


The Portfolio Holder for Finance referred to the reserve for community centres during the current financial year and explained that there may be more funding opportunities for KLAC and gave an example of the Shared Prosperity Fund.


The Chair invited Councillor Rust, Chair of KLACC to address the Panel.


The Chair of KLACC, Councillor Rust addressed the Panel and highlighted the importance of KLAC being able to make decisions which was a power KLACC did not currently have.  Councillor Rust added that Councillors were mindful of the cost of creating a Town Council and did not wish to pass further expense onto residents.  KLACC was aware that the there was no budget allocation and that the community fund was available and two bids had been submitted to the Shared Prosperity Fund.  In conclusion, Councillor Rust commented that this was a brilliant start.


The Panel supported the recommendations to Cabinet as set out below.


Councillor Long abstained against the following recommendations.


RESOLVED:  The Panel supported the recommendation as set out below:


Cabinet resolves:


1.            That a new executive Area Committee constituted pursuant to section 9E of the Local Government Act 2000 be established, to be known as the King’s Lynn Area Committee (“KLAC”).


2.            The terms of reference at Appendix 1 be adopted for KLAC.


Supporting documents: