Agenda item


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The Regeneration Programmes Manager and Place Based Investment Officer presented the report which set out the proposed spending priorities for UKSPF in 2024/25 to facilitate both continued programme delivery and the introduction of new projects.


The Chair thanked officers for their report and invited questions and comments from the Panel, as summarised below.


Councillor Morley suggested the Panel may wish to consider the potential for moving some of the New Anglia Growth Hub project money to community based projects.  The Panel was supportive of this approach and it was suggested the figure of 10% be put forward for consideration.


Clarification was sought on the progress of the West Norfolk Cycling Scheme, to which it was clarified that the delegated decision had been taken a month prior as advertised.


Councillor Devulapalli welcomed the access to E29 the Go Green (businesses) scheme.  She also urged consideration to be given to the provision of cycle parking in the borough to which it was confirmed that E7 was looking at cycle storage grants, where an expression of interest had been sent to parishes to ascertain the level and type of demand for cycle storage required in rural areas.


Councillor Ryves sought clarification as to whether the rural business grants were still open for applications to which it was confirmed they were.  He asked that a sheet be produced with the individual funds available, their target audiences and the deadlines.


Councillor Kemp asked about non parished areas access to the funds to which it was suggested that the rural community grant be the first port of call but that members could access the “magic map” under the rural fund which showed areas able to access the fund.


Councillor Devulapalli asked if any of the grants could be used to improve bus services in the borough.  It was explained that the projects supported by the funding needed to be sustainable, and with only 1 year of funding left it would not offer long term solutions.  However attention was drawn to the County Council’s Bus Service Improvement Programme which was a £50m capital and Revenue fund to improve the frequency of buses in the rural areas.


Councillor Kunes sought clarification on the footpath being constructed from the roundabout to the Crematorium in King’s Lynn, to which it was confirmed there had been a number of incidents along that stretch of road, so would provide a safe connection.


RESOLVED: That the Environment and Community Panel supports the recommendations to Cabinet, as set out below with the addition as set out in bold:


Cabinet be invited to consider the transfer of 10% of the funding from the New Anglia Growth Hub to community based projects.


Cabinet is recommended to:


1.     Approve the projects for allocation of UKSPF funding of £1,062,709 for 2024/25 against the agreed interventions contained in the West Norfolk Investment Plan (WNIP) as set out in section 3 and 4.

2.     Approve the REPF funding of £225,000 for Active Travel projects in 2024/25 as set out in Table 6.

3.     Delegate authority to the Assistant Director for Regeneration, Housing & Place in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Business to approve in year budget reallocations of UKSPF funding for 24/25 to ensure fulfilment of spend (Section 7).

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