Agenda item


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The Manager – Programme Management Office (PMO) presented the report circulated with the Agenda.  It was highlighted that the work planned by the S151 Officer and finance team to restructure the Capital Programme over the next few months may impact on these and the Board was informed that it was intended to align the definitions given above for Place Directorate projects, with the finance work, in due course.  A further update will be brought to MMPB at the meeting in March 2024 if the finance team have completed their work on the Capital Programme.


The Chair thanked the Manager – PMO for the report and invited questions and comments from the Board, a summary of which is set out below.


In response to questions from Councillor Blunt regarding the process for getting Tier 3 projects into the process, the Manager – PMO explained that Tier 3 projects were no different from the current process of projects being identified and worked on, via Portfolio Holders and added that there was no written document setting out the process.  The Manager – PMO outlined the work being undertaken by the Finance Team to align the Capital Programme and commented that this may then be able to be put in place to align with the major projects reported to MMPB.


The Assistant Director, Property and Place explained that the amendments to the Capital Programme would require Cabinet and Council approval and that ideas/proposals would be brought through the democratic process involving the Policy and Development Panels.  The Board was reminded that Cabinet decided which projects were “major projects.”


The Chair gave an example of Baxter’s Plain being a Tier 3 project.  The Vice Chair advised that a presentation had been received by a Policy and Development Panel and the information was in the public domain.


Councillor Blunt expressed concern that there was no written document setting out the process of getting a Tier 3 project into the system.


Councillor Dickinson expressed concern regarding projects that have been ongoing for some time and in some cases longer than the Capital Programme and added that there was nowhere where Members could see the progress of costs.  The Chair highlighted the importance of monitoring projects and gave examples of Southend Road, Hunstanton and NORA and agreed that all reports presented to the MMPB should include cost monitoring information.


The Assistant Director, Property and Projects referred to the Florence Fields project and explained that the Officer Major Projects Board (OMPB) had recently challenged the financial summary section within the Project Highlight reports template and work is being undertaken to update this.  It was advised that over time it was anticipated that the reports received by the MMPB would be aligned with the capital programme in time.  .


The Executive Director, Place outlined the work which was being undertaken on continuous improvement to the reporting process for MMPB.


The Assistant Director, Property and Projects informed the Board that following the recent Peer Challenge one of the recommendations was for wider engagement with stakeholders and the public and to improve shaping policies. This would be factored into the continuous improvements reviews mentioned by the Executive Director.


The Chair commented that it would be useful for MMPB to receive a definition on how, for example, Tier 3 projects could be bumped up and to receive definitions on what various projects might look like.


Councillor Parish commented that he would prefer a cautious approach going forward with proper consultation and consideration of the impact on all the people in West Norfolk.


RESOLVED:  The Board noted the report.


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