Agenda item


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The Principal Planner (Policy) gave a presentation (copy attached to the Agenda).


The Chair thanked the Principal Planner (Policy) for the presentation and invited questions and comments from the Task Group, a summary of which is set out below.


In response to questions from Councillor Blunt regarding the proposed changes affecting the preparation of the current Local Plan, the Principal Planner (Policy) explained that the current Local Plan would continue to proceed under the current system.  The Task Group was advised that there would be a transitional period up to the end of June 2025 to adopt Local Plans under the current system.


Following a further question from Councillor Blunt on whether the proposed changes would affect current neighbourhood plans being developed, the Principal Planner (Policy) explained that at some stage neighbourhood plans would be covered by a transitional period and highlighted that this would continue until the regulations (secondary legislation, detailing how the 2023 Levelling Up and Regeneration Act should be implemented had been adopted.


The Chair, Councillor Moriarty commented that the Local Plan was a rolling exercise and that over the coming months the current Local Plan would be revised.  The Chair asked if the proposed changes would have any impact on the process.  In response, the Principal Planner (Policy) explained that there could be as the content of the Local Plan was around the Management Development Policies (NDMPs) and it is expected that the most development management policies from the current Local Plan would be replaced by NDMPs resulting in a shorter Local Plan.


The Principal Planner (Policy) responded to questions from Councillor Ryves in relation to the requirement for the Council to maintain a 5 year land supply.  The Planning Policy Manager added that changes would be consulted on if it was up to date or the Local Plan was less than 5 years old would be reduced to 4 years.

Councillor de Whalley asked if the Local Plan was adopted … and asked if the most recent adopted document would be gospel.  In response, the Principal Planner (Policy) advised that this would not change.


Following questions from Councillor Blunt regarding the NPPF and the 3 year Local Plan which would take precedent.  In response, the Principal Planner (Policy) explained that in his view it would be the legislation would dictate that the NDMPs would take precedence over the NPPF.  The Planning Policy Manager added that the NMDP would make the local plan process simpler and look to standardise policies and consult on the proposed policies which the Borough Council could make comments on in due course and confirmed that the NDMPs would have precedence over the NPPF.


Under Standing Order 34, Councillor Kemp addressed the Task Group and asked if the proposed changes to the NPPF would allow the ability for community engagement in the decision making process.  In response, the Principal Planner (Policy) explained that it would allow community engagement (as is currently the case) but would not change principles of development land allocation/plan making.


Following further questions from Councillor Kemp on community engagement, the Principal Planner (Policy) advised that the community would always be involved on discussions around infrastructure.


RESOLVED:  The Task Group noted the content of the presentation.


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