Agenda item


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Hannah Edge, Head of Communities and Customer Services from Norfolk County Council presented the Panel with an update on future planning, and the engagement plans for the Multiuser Community Hub Project and the Carnegie Library Building.  She explained that throughout November the Communities Team at Norfolk County Council had been gathering feedback and talking to residents to start conversations about the next stage of design for the Multiuser Community Hub and provide residents with the opportunity to talk about the future of the Carnegie Library.


Norfolk County Council with support from the Borough Council had jointly produced a timeline to set out intentions of community transition for the community owned Carnegie Library and the update today provided an update on progress.


Drop-in sessions had been held for residents along with the opportunity to complete an online feedback form which included the opportunity to suggest future use of the Carnegie Building.  The next stage in the timeline was to engage with interested parties.


Hannah Edge provided an overview of some of the comments and interest received from residents and interested parties.  A feedback report would be prepared and published by Norfolk County Council and then an expression of interest process would be carried out.


The Chair requested that any available reports be circulated to Councillors as appropriate.


The Chair thanked the Head of Communities and Customer Services for the update and invited questions and comments from the Panel, as summarised below.


Councillor Kemp thanked the Head of Communities and Customer Services for the work she had been doing with the community and consulting with residents.  She commented that the practicalities of the Carnegie Building were that it was a Grade II Listed Building and would have repairing and maintenance costs, which could prevent community use and put the future of the building at risk.  She commented that it should stay under the ownership of the County Council.  On suggested uses she commented that the building should be used as a museum, gallery or a free public access space.  The Head of Communities and Customer Services thanked Councillor Kemp for her ideas and commented that a sound financial plan would be important, and the Council would work, and support interested parties as much as possible.


Councillor Bone commented that the Carnegie building needed to remain in community use and could be used as a museum or a wedding venue.


In response to a question from Councillor Crofts, it was explained that a variety of options would be explored once the expression of interest exercise had opened.


Councillor Bubb commented that the building should be used to house the many pictures and museum items which were currently in storage, it could also be used for pop up exhibitions.  He commented that the site should not be used for something unworthy, and use needed to reflect the special nature of the building.


Councillor Lintern suggested an Asset of Community Value application.


The Portfolio Holder for Biodiversity and Climate Change, Councillor de Whalley, commented that he had received lots of concern from residents on the future of the building.  He suggested it could be used as a children’s library or a community centre.


The Leader of the Council, Councillor Parish asked if structural surveys were available, and the Head of Communities and Customer Services explained that a survey had been commissioned which set out the detail of the features and fabric of the building and this would be made available to interested parties.


The Portfolio Holder for Tourism, Event and Marketing, Councillor Ring commented that the building was not suited for a library.  He thanked the Head of Communities and Customer Services for the update and looked forward to a further update on the expressions of interest, once available.


RESOLVED: The update was noted.

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