Agenda item


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The Chief Executive introduced the report and thanked the Corporate Governance Manager and Performance Officer for the work they had undertaken and for staff input.  The Panel was informed that engagement sessions had been held with staff, the detail had been picked up in the Action Plan and would form part of the terms of reference for each working group and the outcome of those groups would form part of the overall Transformation Programme.  It was highlighted that this was not a one-off piece of work and the process would continue.  The Corporate Performance Panel would receive updates on a regular basis.


The Corporate Governance Manager drew the Panel’s attention to the key issues and options considered as set out in the report.  Members were advised that staff from all areas of the Council had provided significant input, many of whom had expressed an interest to be part of the work groups.  It was noted that the transformation progresses would be developed from the Action Plan and be called the Transformation Plan and Strategy.


The Chair thanked officers for the report and invited questions and comments from Councillors attending under Standing Order 34.


Under Standing Order 34, Councillor Kemp addressed the Panel and commented that it was a good action plan and asked what extent the Council would look at the health in communities and gave an example of South Lynn and what residents wanted such as Hardings Way being traffic free.  Councillor Kemp refereed to recommendation 7 and asked how the Council proposed to underpin better data and consultation to address any outcome from residents.


The Chair invited the Panel to ask questions/make comments, a summary of which is set out below.


The Chair, Councillor Dark referred to page 183, the timetable and highlighted the importance of the Council leading the budget process to make it better for the residents of West Norfolk.  The Chair expressed concern that the draft report had appeared in the local press before being circulated to all Councillors.


The Chair further added that it appeared that the process had been rushed and gave an example of the joint panel meeting in January 2024 and there not being sufficient time to consult in relation to the action plan.


The Chief Executive responded to the comments made by the Chair and explained that the points raised would be picked up during community engagement and sessions with staff.


Following a question from Councillor Blunt, the Chief Executive explained that it was proposed to bring regular updates to the Corporate Performance Panel either on a quarterly or 6 month basis.  Councillor Blunt added that there was no frequency of report in the timescale.  The Chief Executive advised that the Panel could amend the recommendation.


The Chair proposed that a recommendation to include the frequency of reporting on a regular basis be added.  The proposal was second by Councillor Blunt.


The Leader explained that that Cabinet would receive regular updates and would then appear on the Cabinet Forward Decisions List, Members would then have the opportunity to identify the item be added to the Panel work programme.


The Panel voted on the proposal to receive updates on a regular basis and on being put to the vote was carried (7 for, 1 against, 1 abstention.


RESOLVED:  The Panel supported the recommendation to Cabinet as set out below with the additional recommendation

that the Corporate Performance Panel receive updates on a regular basis. :


Cabinet notes the final report of the LGA Peer Challenge Team and to endorse the Action Plan drawn up by Management Team and the Senior Leadership Team (SLT) in consultation with council staff to respond to the report’s conclusions.


That Cabinet note that implementation of the actions stated will require resource and capacity.  It is envisaged that a final allocation will be required in the future.


Supporting documents: