Agenda item


The Principal Project Surveyor presented the Report.  He reminded the Panel that they had visited the Arts Centre in November 2015 and received a report on opportunities for the site.  Since then the Arts Centre had ceased operation and the lease for the premises was terminated on 31 March 2016.  The Council had agreed to continue to operate the Visual Arts Service.


Following the closure of the Arts Centre, further consideration had been given to options for use of the site working in partnership with other organisations.  The Principal Project Surveyor explained that discussions had taken place with the College of West Anglia who were working with Anglia Ruskin University and the Crafts and Conservation Trust regarding the use of part of the building to accommodate a degree course in Heritage Construction Skills.  The course would be largely practical and could use the Shakespeare Barn or White Barn as a workshop area with office space.


The Panel was informed that visual arts could still be catered for on the site and commercial lets on site would remain.  Additional commercial space could potentially be made available.


The Principal Project Surveyor referred to the main proposals for the site as set out in the report which included the addition of a lift, improving the connectivity between spaces and converting the guildhall into a flat floor auditorium with the option of bleacher seats.  The Principal Project Surveyor explained that he had had initial discussions with the National Trust and Historic England on the proposals.


The Principal Project Surveyor explained that the Council had registered an interest with the Heritage Lottery Fund and a case officer had visited the site.  A written response was awaited from the Heritage Lottery Fund before a bid could be prepared and submitted.  The Principal Project Surveyor referred the Panel to the timescales as set out within his report.  The Panel was also shown plans of the site as attached.


The Chairman thanked the Principal Project Surveyor for his report and invited questions and comments from the Panel as summarised below.


The Panel commented that the design of the lift needed careful consideration so that it was sympathetic to the Heritage of the building and acceptable to the National Trust and Historic England.


The Executive Director confirmed that commercial space would remain and there could be the opportunity to increase the commercial space available through the refurbishment of office space.  The Panel was informed that it was hoped that the facility would break even, resulting in a reduction of subsidy provided by the Council.  The Executive Director reminded the Panel that previously when they had discussed the future of the Arts Centre the Panel had encouraged an arts offer, underpinned by commercial activity.


With regards to publicity, the Portfolio Holder for Culture, Heritage and Health explained that she had been interviewed by the local media and had consulted with organisations which may be affected by the proposals.  The Principal Project Surveyor informed the Panel that as part of the Heritage Lottery Fund application, wider stakeholder engagement would be required.


The Panel was informed that, if the application was successful, a three year activity plan would be introduced and this could be a good opportunity to learn Heritage Skills.


In response to a question, the Principal Project Surveyor commented that work would be carried out to determine if noise would be an issue from the proposed course which could be accommodated at the Arts Centre and the necessary insulation work would be carried out.


Councillor Bambridge referred to the proposals to remove the seating from the Auditorium.  The Principal Project Surveyor commented that the Auditorium currently seated 350.  Bleacher seating could accommodate approximately 200 to 280 seats.  He felt that the removal of the seats would allow for a greater variety of use. 


Councillor Mrs Wright addressed the Panel as the Heritage Champion.  She commented that the acoustics would be better in a flat floor area.  She asked that historical items be preserved during the works, including the plaques.  The Principal Project Surveyor confirmed that sympathy would be given to items of historical importance.


Councillor Pope addressed the Panel under Standing Order 34.  He referred to the financial implications.  The Executive Director explained that new commercial spaces could be available and the intention was to break even.  Finances would be looked at in more detail when the business plan was created.


The Portfolio Holder for Culture, Heritage and Health, Councillor Mrs Nockolds commented that if the Guildhall seating was removed the space could be used for weddings.  She commented that the Town Hall was fully booked for weddings and the Guildhall would be an ideal alternative venue.  In response to a question, the Portfolio Holder for Culture, Heritage and Health commented that the Guildhall was hired out on an hourly charge.


The Leader of the Council, Councillor Long thanked the Panel for their comments and suggestions and explained that finances would be considered.  He hoped that the proposals would result in a reduction of Council subsidy which would be a revenue saving for the Council.  The Executive Director commented that the Council was in discussion with the Alive Leisure Trust who were interested in Arts Development in the Borough.


RESOLVED: That the Regeneration and Development Panel supports the emerging plans for the development and submission of a Stage 1 Bid to the Heritage Lottery Fund.

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