Agenda item


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The Regeneration Programmes Manager provided an update on the Southgate’s Regeneration Area and Ian Parkes from Norfolk County Council provided an update on the STARS project.  A copy of the presentation is attached.


The Chair thanked officers for the presentation and invited questions and comments from the Panel, as summarised below.


The Vice Chair, Councillor Heneghan asked for consideration to be given to tidying up the areas surrounding the Southgate’s roundabout and the realignment of Hardwick Road.  She also commented that there was a problem with congestion around Vancouver Avenue and London Road and that pollution levels needed to be considered.  The Assistant Director explained that funding was currently awarded for the STARS scheme and other funding opportunities to carry out the work set out in the Masterplan would be explored.


Councillor Bone raised concerns relating to safety around the Schools and asked if consideration could be given to making some roads one way to reduce congestion and traffic.  He welcomed the introduction of green spaces in the area and hoped that the existing park, and the historic importance of it would be retained.  Officers explained that the presentation showed the areas which were covered by the overall Masterplan and the areas that were covered by the funded STARS scheme.  The park and landscaping across the masterplan area would be enhanced and archaeological assessments were being carried out as required.  Ian Parkes explained that the proposals would go through safety audits and Norfolk County Council would look at the best way to manage traffic.


Councillor Kemp referred to comments that the work would cause more congestion at certain times and she felt that improvements to footpaths and the West Lynn Ferry would help to alleviate traffic.  She also asked for guarantees that residents would have safe access from driveways and that any plans needed to be accommodating to businesses and residents in the area.  The Assistant Director commented that this was a place making scheme to improve the area and it was inevitable that the improvement works would cause some inconvenience but it was hoped that work would start to change the behaviours of peoples movements around the town centre.


Councillor Colwell referred to the public consultation which proved that people wanted to see a change in this area.  He hoped that consideration would be given to the safety of people walking down London Road and ensuring that there were proper cycle routes and links to the Quay.


The Portfolio Holder for Tourism, Marketing and Events, Councillor Ring welcomed the comments put forward by the Panel and acknowledged that the proposals would increase congestion during certain times, but would bring many other long term benefits.


Councillor Kemp commented that walking and cycling should be encouraged along Harding’s Way.


Councillor Ryves explained that the Masterplan could not be looked at in isolation and car parking needed to be considered.  He also felt that improvements should be made to Hardwick Road to make it more attractive.


Councillor Bubb referred to the car garage at the Southgate’s roundabout and was advised that this area was included in the Masterplan.


The Portfolio Holder for Climate Change and Biodiversity, Councillor de Whalley welcomed the ambition to encourage people to move away from the use of cars, the introduction of public realm and the environmental benefits this could bring.  Officers explained that air quality was a consideration and assessments would be carried out as appropriate.


Councillor Crofts referred to the Frederick Savage Statue and hoped that this would be retained in the area.


In response to a question from the Chair, it was explained that STARS was at Outline Business Case stage and there would be the opportunity to refine the design and provide more detail as the scheme progressed.  It was also clarified that multiple funding options would be looked at for the development sites identified in the Southgate’s Masterplan.


The Chair, Councillor Bearshaw asked if pedestrian bridges had been considered and the expansion of two lanes of traffic to ease congestion and Ian Parkes explained that a range of options had been explored.


In response to a further question from the Chair, it was explained that the DfT were aware of the timescales involved to complete the project and arrangements were in place to ensure that funding could be drawn down as required. 


RESOLVED: The update was noted and officers were requested to take into consideration the comments made by the Panel.

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