Agenda item


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The Task Group received a presentation from the Planning Policy Manager and the Temporary Senior Planning Officer(copy attached to the Agenda).


The Task Group’s attention was drawn to the following areas:


           Legal requirements.

           Policy requirements.

           Gypsy and Traveller Accommodation Assessment (2023).

           Accommodate Needs.

           Options to meet the Accommodation Needs.

           Work being undertaken.

           Timeline for work to be undertaken.


The Chair thanked officers for the presentation.


In response to a question from Councillor Sandell, the Planning Policy Manager providing an explanation of the definition “unauthorised sites” and added that it was land that did not have planning permission.


Following a question from Councillor Blunt on flood risk assessments and the impact on existing sites, the Planning Policy Manager explained that those sites located in the flood risk zone 2 and 3 would have had assessments undertaken as part of the planning permission process and highlighted that there was no concern.


Following further questions from Councillor Blunt in relation to flood risk and private sites, the Planning Policy Manager explained that authorised sites would have had to undertake a flood risk assessment as part of the planning process.  The Planning Policy Manager added that as part of this process the Council was considering all sites, particularly those where the is an identified need. Work is being undertaken to identify the level of flood risk for each site by consultants.  This will help to finalise the site assessment work that is currently being prepared.


Councillor de Whalley commented that it was his understanding that the expedience of speed of the process it was best to identify existing sites, regularise or extend them and that this was a challenging process.  Councillor de Whalley added that if the Council was unable to satisfy the need then it would be necessary to undertake a call for sites and asked how such a delay would impact upon the timetable.  In response, the Planning Policy Manager advised there were a number of options that could be looked at before undertaking a call for sites, including Council owned land or to approach Norfolk County Council to see if there was any land available.  The Task Group was advised that if the Council needed to do a call for sites then it would be very targeted and could add around  six weeks to the process but highlighted that the current initial feeling was that the Council was not going to be in that position.


Councillor Parish commented that he could accept the Inspector’s ruling on this matter but the fact that a Local Plan could fall on the basis that the Plan was unable to find sites required was nonsense and would be more sensible to allow more time to move forward with the Local Plan.  Councillor Parish further commented that if on some of the sites, caravans/mobile homes then the flood risk assessments was the same that applied to holiday parks and explained that most of the caravans in Heacham were flood zone 3 because they were designated as mobile homes and which could be moved if necessary.


Councillor Parish added that when the documents went to public consultation, this was the most controversial part of the Local Plan and did not sit well with all local residents for obvious reasons in some cases.   During the consultation  and sites had been allocated that did not have planning permission or in the consultation the view was put forward to extend sites, the people that lived in those areas did not support the proposal, Councillor Parish asked if this would delay the timetable.  In response, the Planning Policy Manager explained that the process was that that Members would be presented with an objective assessment looking at current planning policy and whether sites suitable or not to be intensified or extended and it would be up to the Council to decide which sites to  take forward.  The Task Group was advised that all consultation  representations would be taken into account and officers would be forward recommendations to be determined by the Council.


The Temporary Senior Planning Officer advised that in terms of site assessments this was why the statutory consultees were being consulted on the technical issues such as highways, the Environment Agency, etc.  Members were informed that these were the type of issues raised by residents living in the area.  It was reported that all the desk base work which could be done internally had been carried out and explained that the technical work from the statutory consultees was being received identify issues and this would enable the Council to work with the statutory consultee to overcome the constraint or it became a constraint on the site which was taken forward.  The Temporary Senior Planning Officer provided an overview of the detailed process and added that the comments received from comments would be taken on board following the consultation exercise.


The Chair, Councillor Moriarty referred to the timetable and commented that if post consultation, Council felt a call for sites was required following the receipt of responses then that six weeks process would happen later than would have liked and asked how in danger was the Local Plan with the new timetable.  In response, the Planning Policy Manager explained that it would extend the Local Plan timetable significantly and the whole process would have to be undertaken again.


The Planning Policy Manager responded to questions from Councillor Sandell on the Borough Council provided assistance to unauthorised sites to obtain planning permission.


The Temporary Senior Planning Officer advised Members that the Gypsy and Traveller Needs Assessment was available on the Borough Council’s website.


Councillor Kemp commented on the importance of space being available on sites for community facilities and play areas.


The Temporary Senior Planning Officer explained that following the consultation on the documents, it was possible that the Council could receive sites for Gypsies and Travellers which the Council would look at.


The Chair, Councillor Moriarty thanked officers for responding to questions and Councillors for their input.


RESOLVED:  The Task Group noted the content of the presentation.



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