Agenda item



RESOLVED: 1)         That the Council will enter the Collaboration Agreement as a landowner and simultaneously enter the Framework S.106 Agreement and Promotion Agreement at a later date.


2)         That authority is delegated to the Assistant Director of Legal, Governance & Licensing in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Business and the Executive Director Place to approve the final terms of the collaboration agreement, Framework S.106 agreement and Promotion [GH1] Agreement, subject to Norfolk County Council’s Cabinet approval in respect of their funding input and to enter the collaboration agreement, and approval of the Homes England Business Case.


3)         That the Council will enter into a Grant Funding agreement with Norfolk County Council to receive recoverable grant funding from Homes England (subject to approval) to purchase land in the growth area for the West Winch Housing Access Road and support the delivery of infrastructure in the West Winch growth area.


4)         That the Council will enter a Grant Funding agreement with Norfolk County Council regarding the Cashflow for purchase of land within the Growth Area for development.


5)         That authority is delegated to the Assistant Director of Resources/S151 Officer in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Finance and Executive Director Place to approve final terms of the grant funding agreements between the Borough Council and Norfolk County Council (NCC) to support the repayment of the Homes England recoverable grant and cashflow funding provided as set out in recommendations 3 and 4 above.


6)         That the Council will exercise land acquisition agreements to purchase land for the purpose of delivering the Growth Area.


Reason for Decision

By the entering the collaboration agreement the Borough Council is committed to facilitating delivery of the growth area in both a strategic and landowning capacity and ensuring it can come forward in accordance with the Councils adopted Master plan SPD (Cabinet Jan 23).


Securing a large proportion of the land for the West Winch Housing Access Road in the collaboration agreement also gives government confidence to make significant investment decisions to ensure the road is delivered.


Promotion? [GH1]


The Cabinet was presented with a report which provided information on the Borough Council entering the West Winch Landowners collaboration agreement as a landowner. The overall purpose of the collaboration agreement was to facilitate the delivery of the West Winch growth area over the next 20 years including securing the necessary land for the construction of the West Winch Housing Access Road which was an essential infrastructure requirement. The report also set out how as a landowner within the growth area the Council would work with both Norfolk County Council and Homes England to support government funding to deliver the road.


The collaboration agreement was an integral mechanism to securing government funding for the road and has been prepared over the last four years with specialist property and legal advisors and more recently Landowners’ solicitors.


A discussion ensued on the item, with questions from Cabinet members responded to on the detail of the agreement and the partnership working with Homes England.


Under standing order 34, Councillor Moriarty wished his support for the recommendations to be recorded.


It was noted that the Regeneration and Development Panel had supported the recommendations.


RESOLVED:1)         That the Council will enter the Collaboration Agreement as a landowner and simultaneously enter the Framework S.106 Agreement and Promotion Agreement at a later date.


2)         That authority is delegated to the Assistant Director of Legal, Governance & Licensing in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Business and the Executive Director Place to approve the final terms of the collaboration agreement, Framework S.106 agreement and Promotion Agreement, subject to Norfolk County Council’s Cabinet approval in respect of their funding input and to enter the collaboration agreement, and approval of the Homes England Business Case.


3)         That the Council will enter into a Grant Funding agreement with Norfolk County Council to receive recoverable grant funding from Homes England (subject to approval) to purchase land in the growth area for the West Winch Housing Access Road and support the delivery of infrastructure in the West Winch growth area.


4)         That the Council will enter a Grant Funding agreement with Norfolk County Council regarding the Cashflow for purchase of land within the Growth Area for development.


5)         That authority is delegated to the Assistant Director of Resources/S151 Officer in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Finance and Executive Director Place to approve final terms of the grant funding agreements between the Borough Council and Norfolk County Council (NCC) to support the repayment of the Homes England recoverable grant and cashflow funding provided as set out in recommendations 3 and 4 above.


6)         That the Council will exercise land acquisition agreements to purchase land for the purpose of delivering the Growth Area.


Reason for Decision

By the entering the collaboration agreement the Borough Council is committed to facilitating delivery of the growth area in both a strategic and landowning capacity and ensuring it can come forward in accordance with the Councils adopted Master plan SPD (Cabinet Jan 23).


Securing a large proportion of the land for the West Winch Housing Access Road in the collaboration agreement also gives government confidence to make significant investment decisions to ensure the road is delivered.