Agenda item


RESOLVED:  That option 1 from Section 2 of the report be agreed for the draft set of Working Age CTS Scheme rules for 2024/2025 which will then be open for public consultation.



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Cabinet considered a report presented by the Revenues and Benefits Manager which explained that the Council operated a scheme to help working age people on low incomes with the cost of their council tax by reducing their council tax bill.  This was known as the Council Tax Support (CTS) scheme.  There was a national set of regulations for a CTS Scheme for customers who had reached pension age, but the Council was free to decide the rules for its own CTS schemes for working age people in our area, taking into account some government requirements.  This report only referred to our CTS Scheme for working age people.


The Council was required to review and agree its CTS scheme for working age residents for each financial year and there was a process to follow when deciding the CTS Scheme.  The Council must first consult with Norfolk County Council and the Police and Crime Commissioner for Norfolk as they were affected by the scheme.  The comments from the County Council were attached with the report.  Cabinet must then decide on draft a set of rules for our working age CTS scheme which are then open for public consultation for six weeks.  Once the consultation closed the responses must be reviewed and full Council must agree a final CTS scheme by March 2024, taking into account any comments made as part of the consultation.


It was noted that the Corporate Performance Panel had considered the report and supported Option 1 as the recommendation, whilst going forward looking at options to incorporate more people who were currently not within the scope of the scheme.


Under standing order 34 Councillor Dickinson commented that it would be good to have had more options to consider as well as more information on other Council’s schemes to compare in the Panel meeting.


Councillor Beales asked about the effect that Universal Credit would have on future consideration.   The Revenues and Benefits Manager confirmed that Universal Credit was being rolled out on a phased basis replacing legacy benefits where people could be identified by vulnerable groups.  Those on Universal Credit had all benefits rolled into one which meant that they couldn’t be identified as in need of the additional Council Tax support, and because the benefit was operated by DWP the Council couldn’t look into the detail.  This would mean that over time the data would not be available in the future.


Councillor Morley commented that people needed support and the system was harmonising the criteria for all.   He considered it was a fair option to support people.  He commented that the consultation process is being re-vitalised to encourage more people to contribute to ensure a fair and reasonable council tax support scheme for people.


Councillor Squire confirmed she would appreciate more information going forward on what other council’s schemes looked like.


The Revenues and Benefits Manager explained that the final report which was to come back at a later date would contain the further options requested.


RESOLVED:   That option 1 from Section 2 for the draft set of Working Age CTS Scheme rules for 2024/2025 which will then be open for public consultation.


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