Agenda item


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Officers presented the report which sought agreement of the continuation of the Local Authority Building Control function carried out by CNC Building Control on behalf of the Borough Council for the next five years.


The Assistant Director provided information on the Partnership and the drivers for it which included economies of scale and cost savings.


The Assistant Director commented that he had no complaints with the current service provided and the recommendation was to continue to be part of the CNC Building Control Partnership for the next five years.


The Chair thanked the Assistant Director for the report and invited questions and comments from the Panel, as summarised below.


Councillor Rust asked if the organisation was a profit making organisation.  The Assistant Director explained that there was a surplus last year and some of this had been used to address Pension issues.


The Assistant Director suggested that representatives from CNC Building Control be invited to a future meeting of the Panel to provide an overview of the Partnership and the work they carried out.


Councillor Blunt commented that he had previously acted as the Borough Council’s representative on the CNC Building Control Partnership Board of Directors and he felt that the organisation worked professionally and provided a good service.


The Vice Chair, Councillor Heneghan asked if the other Local Authorities that used the Partnership would be agreeing to continue for the next five years.  The Assistant Director commented that they had all agreed to continue in principle, but the decision would be subject to their formal Council decision making process.  


Councillor Rust commented that more detail of the Pension issue and any deficit was required.  The Assistant Director explained that it was based on accounting issues rather than a shortfall and any surplus was spread between Partners on a Market Shares basis.


Councillor Blunt commented that Board reports could be available on request and the Board worked professionally to provide the best service for all.


Councillor Bone asked what would happen if the other Local Authorities pulled out of the Partnership and the Assistant Director commented that all other Authorities had agreed in principle to continue with the Partnership.  He explained that the Partnership was hosted by South Norfolk Council and was a strong model.


The Cabinet Member for Regeneration and Development, Councillor Moriarty thanked the Panel for scrutinising the item and highlighting issues and he would request additional information relating to Pensions, before the item was considered by the Cabinet.


The Executive Director commented that the Partnership was not a profit making organisation, they just were supposed to cover costs.  He commented that if the service was brought back in house we would be in competition with others and costs to provide the service would increase.


The Chair, Councillor Bearshaw asked how many organisations could drop out before the Partnership became unviable and the Assistant Director commented, that although he did not think that any Authorities would drop out, the Partnership started with three Authorities and currently had five.


RESOLVED: That the Regeneration and Development Panel support the recommendations to Cabinet as set out below.


1. That the Council continues to be part of the CNC Building Control Partnership for the next five years.


2. That authority be delegated to the Executive Director – Environment and Planning, in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Development and Regeneration to agree the full details of the CNC partnership agreement.

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