Agenda item

To receive an update from the Assistant Director and Property Services Manager.



Click here to view a recording of this item on You Tube


This item was taken first on the Agenda.


In presenting the report, the Assistant Director, Property and Projects explained that a joint report between the Waste Recycling Manager and the Assistant Director Property and Projects was submitted to the Corporate Performance Panel (CPP) at its meeting on 8 November 2021. The report, Waste Issues Hunstanton Promenade, outlined general waste issues in Hunstanton and how the Council dealt with those issues operationally.


The Panel was informed that a number of updates had been provided to CPP in respect of the kiosk tenants and their approaches to dealing with their waste. It was noted that at CPP on 27 February 2023 a further query was raised about the tenants’ waste collection contractors holding the appropriate Waste Management licences and that the proper waste documentation was being provided during the waste collection process.


The Assistant Director, Property and Projects advised that further contact had been made with the Council’s kiosk tenants and subsequently further background investigations had been undertaken in respect of the rules and regulations relating to Trade Waste and wastewater disposal from commercial premises, including discussions with the Borough Council’s Environmental Health Manager (Commercial) and the Waste and Recycling Manager.


Members were informed that the attached report detailed the information gathered from each kiosk holder in respect of how they disposed of their waste and identified the outstanding issues. It was noted that the current lease arrangements made it clear that the tenants had a duty of care to ensure that waste was disposed of responsibly.


The Panel’s was attention was drawn to the key issues set out in the report.


The Assistant Director, Property and Projects outlined the steps as set out in Section 4 of the report.


Under Standing Order 34, Councillor Beal addressed the Panel and thanked the Assistant Director, Property and Projects for the report which had been an ongoing issue over the past 4 years. 


In response to questions from Councillor Beal on the weekly cleaning of the ice cream machines based in the kiosks, the Assistant Director explained  that the information was set out on pages 163 and 164 of the Agenda.  It had been confirmed that the waste water from the ice cream machines had no effect on the water quality.


The Portfolio Holder for Property and Corporate Services addressed the Panel and informed Members that he had undertaken a site visit recently and could see where the concerns were.  Councillor Anota outlined the work being undertaken by the Property Services Team.


Councillor Long commented that all businesses required a waste trade notice to move waste.  Councillor Long welcomed the work being undertaken by the service areas within the Council.  In response, the Assistant Director explained that there was further work to be done with the tenants.


The Chair thanked the Assistant Director for the report and the work which would be ongoing. 


It was agreed by the Panel that this item could now be removed from the work plan.


RESOLVED:  The Property and Projects Team will work with the Council’s Environmental Health and Waste and Recycling Teams to ensure that Trade Waste and wastewater created by the Council’s commercial kiosk tenants were dealt with in the most appropriate way possible.


Supporting documents: