Agenda item


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The Property Services Manager presented the report which explained that the Borough Council had been approached by Norfolk County Council for permission to install two bus shelters on Lynn Road, Gaywood (adjacent /opposite Tesco) and an agreement in principle for another location to be considered.  NCC advised that in March 2022, the Department for Transport notified NCC of an indicative offer of £49.6 million funding for Norfolk.  The Bus Service Improvement Plan (BSIP) proposed a series if actions to improve the quality and consistency of bus stops in Norfolk ensuring that a decent standard of service was given to more passengers.


The Property Services Manager also explained that as part of the delivery, NCC would fully fund the bus shelters at each stop however it would be conditional that the Borough Council adopted these assets and be responsible for any on-going maintenance which would be charged to Special Expenses.  It was explained that the in the Gaywood Tesco proposal the Real Time Information Boards (RTI) would be solar-powered and therefore off-grid.  However, the bus shelter would require cleaning, insuring and general maintenance.  This had been estimated to be approximately £200.00 per annum.  If the bus shelters were damaged or vandalised, then further costs may be incurred.


Councillor Colwell explained that in March 2023 both himself and Councillor Ware had a meeting with Norfolk County Council’s Public Transport Development Officer about the proposals and saw examples of the proposals and was quite impressed.  The Real Time Updates were useful, and he considered that anything that the Council could do to encourage people onto public transport, to make it as easy, safe and friendly as possible should be done.  However, he did not want a repeat of when the maintenance contract came to an end and made reference to the sorry state of the bus shelters in the King’s Lynn area, many of which had been removed because they were dangerous.  He suggested that careful consideration should be given to the on-going maintenance.  Hopefully this would set a good example as to what could be achieved for the residents of King’s Lynn.


The Property Services Manager advised that Norfolk County Council had confirmed that there would not be any advertising on the bus shelters.


In response to a comment from Councillor Mrs Collop, the Property Services Manager explained the costs of installation of the shelters and in terms of how much vandalism repairs would cost depended on the extent of it.  She advised that the estimate of maintenance for the shelters, if no vandalism was £200.00 per annum per bus shelter.


Councillor Everett queried the location of the new shelters and with regards to the RTI in the shelters, who would be paying for the on-going subscription.  He also commented that when changes were made to timetables this could take months for it to be updated.


The Property Services Manager clarified the location of the shelters and explained that the responsibility for the revenue and capital costs in relation to the bus shelters would be the responsibility of Norfolk County Council.  They would also operate the RTI.


Councillor Ware concurred with Councillor Colwell that they both attended the meeting and seen the designs and she whole heartedly supported that this went forward. She explained that she had visited the current stops and they needed to be replaced. 


The Chair added that RTI would be invaluable. She also reminded the Committee that on 7 December, the Committee received a presentation about Special Expenses from the Assistant Director Resources, who advised that no new schemes could be afforded.  There was a financial implication with the scheme, and it needed to be taken away and considered further.


Councillor Bone considered that given the location of the bus shelters, he considered that the risk of vandalism in that location was quite low.


Th Property Services Manager advised that the bus shelters would be insured but there would be an excess. 


Councillor Colwell advised that this was an ideal site for the bus shelters.  He considered that it would be a good investment and would be well used.


The Chair added that it felt that the Committee wished to support the proposals, but she was concerned about the impact on special expenses. 


The Assistant Director explained that Special Expenses was reviewed by the Finance Team, the Council Tax Base could also change, and he could take it away and speak to the Assistant Director, Finance to see what options were available.


RESOLVED:   That the Committee agreed to NCC proposals subject to funding.


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