Agenda item


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Councillor Moriarty proposed the recommendations contained within the report.  This was seconded by Councillor Anota who reserved the right to speak.


Councillor Parish proposed an amendment to recommendation 4 that the Full Council meetings start at 5pm.  This was seconded by Councillor Squire who reserved the right to speak.  Councillors Moriarty and Anota accepted the amendment, it then became the substantive motion.


Councillor Dark proposed that “in the short term Full Council meetings will continue to start at 4.30pm whilst all Councillors are consulted and a paper is brought forward to a full Council promptly allowing an informed decision on the preferred choice of members going forward.”


Councillor Dark spoke on his amendment, he considered the full council should have the opportunity to discuss and debate through panel meetings. This was seconded by Councillor Blunt who reserved the right to speak.


Councillor Moriarty did not accept the amendment.


Councillor Long considered that the proposal for all members to have input was important as not all Councillors had the flexibility to be able to attend at that time of day.


Councillor Colwell considered it was important not to block people standing as it would interfere with work.


Councillor Beales did not support the amendment as a working member and would vote accordingly.


Councillor Joyce reminded members that the time could change in the future but felt the time should be 5pm as proposed.


Councillor Collingham did not agree with the proposed 5pm start and considered that there should be a wider debate on it.


Councillor Blunt suggested that a survey of members should be carried out.


Councillor Parish suggested going to the vote to permit councillors to have their say.


Councillor Squires commented that she felt 5pm was a compromise for all councillors between the earlier and later start times.


Councillor de Winton suggested that members should consider officers working hours.


Councillor Rust commented that officers should take toil and start later in the day.  She said that the proposal put forward was something the new administration supported but the old administration did not.


In summing up, Councillor Moriarty reminded members they were discussing 30 minutes and that the Panels would consider what start times they would prefer.  He acknowledged that all members had a vote, as would the Panel meetings.  He stated that if the Corporate Performance Panel wished to come up with a recommendation they could do so.


Council voted on the amendment from Councillor Dark.  The amendment was lost.


Councillor Moriarty also drew attention to the fact that they had requested the return of pre Council briefings for all councillors before some Council meetings.


Council then voted on the substantive motion to start Council meetings at 5.00pm.  The substantive motion was carried.


RESOLVED:   1)         The Planning Committee and Licensing Committee meetings remain during the day as per current arrangements.


2)            That the Panels determine their meeting start times. 


3)    That Cabinet continue to determine the start times of their meetings.


4)     That Full Council meetings start at 5.00 pm.


5)     The arrangements for live streaming and hybrid meeting arrangements continue.  Officer presentations and audio quality to be kept under review.



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