Agenda item

1)    To consider the following Notice of Motion (8/23), submitted by Councillor S Dark


This Council whole-heartedly welcomes the significant news that the QEH bid for a much-needed replacement has been successful, with several hundred millions of pounds of central government/NHS funding assigned to it and an expedited build time of 2030.   This Council recognises the many, many months of ‘hard yards’, often behind the scenes, undertaken by the QEH’s Leadership, this Council’s Leadership at the time and its Officers, our local MPs, individual councillors, partners and members of our community to inform and then convince decision makers based a long way from West Norfolk of the dire need to do this above other national NHS funding pressures and puts on record its deep gratitude to them all. This Council understands that the QEH and its partners will now have to work at pace to deliver such a major build programme in just 7 years within the confines of its grant funding and requests the new administration and Officers do all they can to support them.



2)    To consider the following Notice of Motion (9/23), submitted by Councillor R Blunt


This Council recognises the significant work to date of the voluntary Towns Board members, its Officers and partners in developing and then progressing related, specified projects, leading directly to £25m of transformational government funding into Kings Lynn, in turn stimulating significant additional funding from other sources such as the County Council. This Council asks the new administration to prioritise working constructively with the Towns Board members, the County Council and partners to deliver all of these known and approved projects within the critical, short delivery timeframes specified so as not to put this funding in serious jeopardy.


3)    To consider the following Notice of Motion (10/23), submitted by Councillor R Blunt


This Council recognises the vital role ‘outside body’ Councillor appointments play in providing effective links in to and out of bodies operating locally for the good of West Norfolk. In many cases these appointments help to monitor formal SLAs and financial grants from the local taxpayer, or are part of the external body’s constitution and all provide the Council’s/wider perspective in the formulation of partners policies, services and work programmes in mutually beneficial areas where Committees, Cabinet or Full Council have previously formally considered such a direct link Councillor or Councillors to be highly beneficial.


This Council instructs that any intended/potential review of these positions should be done in a considered, systematic, evidence based way and in consultation with the bodies affected re their needs and the impact of any withdrawing of this level of support will have on them with a formal paper up through Committees for debate at full Council as a ‘critical decision’ affecting others delivering for West Norfolk.


Whilst any such review and paper is being developed, Councillors and political groups will continue to take up and support these positions in a fair and proportionate way to ensure minimal impact on the operation of these important outside bodies.


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1)    Councillor S Dark proposed the following Notice of Motion (8/23), seconded by Councillor Sandell who reserved the right to speak:


This Council whole-heartedly welcomes the significant news that the QEH bid for a much-needed replacement has been successful, with several hundred millions of pounds of central government/NHS funding assigned to it and an expedited build time of 2030.   This Council recognises the many, many months of ‘hard yards’, often behind the scenes, undertaken by the QEH’s Leadership, this Council’s Leadership at the time and its Officers, our local MPs, individual councillors, partners and members of our community to inform and then convince decision makers based a long way from West Norfolk of the dire need to do this above other national NHS funding pressures and puts on record its deep gratitude to them all. This Council understands that the QEH and its partners will now have to work at pace to deliver such a major build programme in just 7 years within the confines of its grant funding and requests the new administration and Officers do all they can to support them.


Councillor Dark in proposing the motion recognised the work done by all to achieve the new hospital.  Councillor Parish supported the Motion and mentioned that he proposed to form a task group to look at and liaise with the hospital post funding.


Councillor Kemp supported the motion and drew attention to the council needing to do all it could for the hospital, and said that she had written to the hospital Chief Executive to ensure the council would support the team to deliver the hospital as soon as possible.


Councillor Colwell drew attention to the lengths the community went to especially Cllr Rust, and thanked all involved whilst stressing the need to keep the pressure on the Government to deliver.


Councillor Rust agreed with the motion and reassured that the new administration had met with the Hospital’s Executive team to see if there was anything the Council could do to assist. She explained that the business case had not yet been confirmed and the strategic business case had to be re-written, the council would assist with information on the proposed growth in the area which would be written into the business case.


Councillor de Whalley, in supporting the Motion commented on the lateness of the award for funding for the new build and drew attention to the need to provide external infrastructure to train and retain staff.


Councillor Long spoke in support of the Motion drawing attention to the increase in population in the last 40 years.  He gave credit to the staff working under such conditions and welcomed the work which had commenced on the car park.


Councillor Devulapalli proposed an amendment to the motion to delete the word “expedited”, and add “the Trades Union Council” in the 6th line prior to QEH’s Leadership.  This was seconded by Councillor Rust. 


Councillor Dark did not support the amendment.

Councillor Kemp supported the amendment and Councillor Rust made reference to the financial support given by the TUC during the campaign. 


Councillor Joyce made reference to the Labour Party involvement.  Councillor Parish commented that the motion probably did cover all bodies.


On being put to the vote the amendment was lost.


Councillor Dark summed and on being put to the vote was agreed unanimously.


RESOLVED:           That the motion be supported.


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2)    Councillor R Blunt proposed the following Notice of Motion (9/23), seconded by Councillor S Dark:


This Council recognises the significant work to date of the voluntary Towns Board members, its Officers and partners in developing and then progressing related, specified projects, leading directly to £25m of transformational government funding into Kings Lynn, in turn stimulating significant additional funding from other sources such as the County Council. This Council asks the new administration to prioritise working constructively with the Towns Board members, the County Council and partners to deliver all of these known and approved projects within the critical, short delivery timeframes specified so as not to put this funding in serious jeopardy.


In proposing the Motion Councillor Blunt commended the work of the Town Deal Board and urged the new Administration to continue its work with the Board and offered any support they required.


Councillor Dark in seconding the Motion set out the Government’s requirements to have the Board in order to spend the £25m awarded to the Borough which couldn’t be moved to other projects.


Councillor Parish responded that he considered the Motion redundant as he had met with the Chair of the Town Board and informed them that the projects would continue as existing but the Council would not be funding any gaps but would support applications for funding for the Guildhall so it would have to come back to Council at a later date.  He had indicated that a third councillor position on the Board as a local member was required which the Board had accepted.   Councillor Parish also indicated that he had met with James Wild MP, D Pomfret and others on the MUCH project.  He drew attention to the fact that a King’s Lynn Councillor had been added to the Board. 


Councillor Joyce indicated that the Labour Councillor had been asked to abstain from voting at the Board meetings.  He indicated that they did not want to hand back the £25m grant money.


Councillor Moriarty recognised the work to date on the Board. He agreed that the Council did not want to hand back the funding awarded and did not intend to move any goal posts but there was much work to complete before the schemes were completed.  He indicated that he wouldn’t want to see the scrutiny panels hand tied in looking at the projects.


Councillor Long drew attention to the importance of the work of the Town Deal Board for west Norfolk. He drew attention to the work completed in delivering the School of Nursing.


Councillor Kemp indicated she would not support the motion and reminded people that the Council had agreed a quality assurance framework.  She urged that projects such as MUCH should be reviewed and changed wherever needed. 


Councillor Blunt welcomed the Leaders comments as he was unaware of the work done by the Leader to date.  He acknowledged that he may not have submitted the Motion if he had been aware.  He did have a concern about Councillor Kemp’s comments.


The Motion was put to the vote and was lost.


RESOLVED:The Motion was lost.


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3)    Councillor Blunt proposed that the following Notice of Motion (10/23), be deferred to the next meeting.  This was seconded by Councillor Dark.


This Council recognises the vital role ‘outside body’ Councillor appointments play in providing effective links in to and out of bodies operating locally for the good of West Norfolk. In many cases these appointments help to monitor formal SLAs and financial grants from the local taxpayer, or are part of the external body’s constitution and all provide the Council’s/wider perspective in the formulation of partners policies, services and work programmes in mutually beneficial areas where Committees, Cabinet or Full Council have previously formally considered such a direct link Councillor or Councillors to be highly beneficial.


This Council instructs that any intended/potential review of these positions should be done in a considered, systematic, evidence based way and in consultation with the bodies affected re their needs and the impact of any withdrawing of this level of support will have on them with a formal paper up through Committees for debate at full Council as a ‘critical decision’ affecting others delivering for West Norfolk.


Whilst any such review and paper is being developed, Councillors and political groups will continue to take up and support these positions in a fair and proportionate way to ensure minimal impact on the operation of these important outside bodies.


RESOLVED: That the Motion be deferred to the next meeting of Council.