Agenda item


Cabinet considered the amended recommendations put forward by the Regeneration and Development Panel.


Cabinet amended recommendation 5 as set out in bold below.


RECOMMENDED:  1)         Approve the final Southgates Masterplan Development Brief Document and the preferred option as set out in Appendix 1 to the report.


2)            That further feasibility and options testing for the development and delivery of the sites in the Southgates area be approved.


3)            That delegated authority be granted to Assistant Director for Property and Projects in consultation with Portfolio Holder for Property, Portfolio Holder for Regeneration & Portfolio for Finance, to agree BCKLWN land contribution to Norfolk County Council’s King’s Lynn – Sustainable Transport and Regeneration Scheme (STARS) project. 


4)          That Regeneration and Economic Development officers be instructed to progress with seeking further external funding that may be required to deliver the scheme.


5)          That a further report be brought back to Cabinet and Panels as appropriate, to update on the outcome of the next steps detailed in sections 4 & 5 of the report and to consider the final arrangements for overall scheme delivery in early 2024.


Reason for Decision


To guide the future regeneration of this gateway site to King’s Lynn’s town centre in line with the aims and objectives of the Heritage Action Zone, the Town Investment Plan and the corporate business plan objective to ‘promote the borough as a vibrant place in which to live, to do business and as a leading visitor and cultural destination.


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Assistant Director D Hall presented the report which proposed the next stages of the Southgates Area Masterplan Development Brief which had been prepared following extensive site analysis and public consultation, for the historic King’s Lynn Southgates area. The masterplan set out the vision and design principles for the development of this strategic regeneration area. The Development Brief was accompanied by a financial viability and Delivery Strategy.

The report recommended next steps to develop and progress the project with key partner Norfolk County Council, to enable to the future regeneration and development of the area.

Cabinet considered the amended recommendations put forward by the Regeneration and Development Panel.

Cabinet amended recommendation 5 as set out in bold below.

Under standing order 34 Councillor Joyce commented that the South Gates should be avoided for heavy traffic and potentially cars, but he had difficulty with the fact that a public subsidy was required for houses to be built for sale.  The bus route to Harding Way could be solved.  He wasn’t sure about the reason to move the Nar Ouse Way.

Under standing order 34 Councillor Kemp expressed concern about the level of funding being added to the schemes which was not enough, she questioned the moving of Nar Ouse Way, she drew attention to the traffic delays and questioned how the traffic could be moved from the Southgates before the work was done as it would cause chaos.  She felt that more traffic lights would add to congestion.  She drew attention to the fact that West Lynn pathway and Ferry were not included in the proposals.  

Councillor Blunt considered it was not a supplementary planning document, but the masterplan for the scheme.  He considered that there was much more work to do before it reached that stage.  This was confirmed and explained that it would be a material planning consideration to be taken into account.

Councillor Middleton referred to the comments made by members but reminded members that proposals were brought forward by professionals for Councillors to consider.  He drew attention to the objections to connectivity plan to encourage better flow of traffic, walking and cycling and improving air quality.  He encouraged that the entrance to the town be improved for King’s Lynn

Councillor Blunt also drew attention to the consultation carried out on the proposed project and the fact that there were challenging issues for this, but the most challenging situation was taken as it would have the biggest impact.

Councillor Dark drew attention to the long term work which had been ongoing on the proposals and land acquisitions in the area which had been taking place for a long period of time.  He concurred with the points raised about the South Gates and the danger of damage.  He drew attention to the public consultation responses which tied in with the proposals being put forward.

In discussing the recommendations from the Regeneration and Development Panel it was noted that it was necessary to go through the process of going through the Panel anyway.  It was therefore agreed to include a comment in recommendation 5 to include the Panel/s as appropriate.  The Chief Executive reminded members that it would be up to the Chair of the Panel to decide if items were be submitted to them.

RECOMMENDED:  1)       Approve the final Southgates Masterplan Development Brief Document and the preferred option as set out in Appendix 1 to the report.

2)              That further feasibility and options testing for the development and delivery of the sites in the Southgates area be approved.


3)              That delegated authority be granted to Assistant Director for Property and Projects in consultation with Portfolio Holder for Property, Portfolio Holder for Regeneration & Portfolio for Finance, to agree BCKLWN land contribution to Norfolk County Council’s King’s Lynn – Sustainable Transport and Regeneration Scheme (STARS) project. 

4)            That Regeneration and Economic Development officers be instructed to progress with seeking further external funding that may be required to deliver the scheme.

5)            That a further report be brought back to Cabinet and Panels as appropriate, to update on the outcome of the next steps detailed in sections 4 & 5 of the report and to consider the final arrangements for overall scheme delivery in early 2024.

Reason for Decision

To guide the future regeneration of this gateway site to King’s Lynn’s town centre in line with the aims and objectives of the Heritage Action Zone, the Town Investment Plan and the corporate business plan objective to ‘promote the borough as a vibrant place in which to live, to do business and as a leading visitor and cultural destination.

Supporting documents: