Agenda item


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The Assistant Director presented the report and reminded the Panel that they had considered the Masterplan previously.  He outlined the recommendations within the report, the exploration of further funding opportunities and the STARS project, which was a Norfolk County Council led project with the Borough Council being part of the Project Team. 


The Chair thanked officers for the report and invited questions and comments from the Panel, as summarised below.


Councillor Morley commented that the Masterplan was not sufficient to be a Supplementary Planning Document and the recommendations should be amended to reflect this.  He also commented that he felt it was the wrong time to take this through the democratic process and it should wait until after the election.  He referred to the STARS project and the additional funding which would be required.  The Assistant Director referred to the Levelling Up Fund Bid and further funding opportunities which would be explored.


Information was also provided on property acquisitions and the sitting tenants.  Reference was also made to the Community Shop which was currently using the old HSS Building.


Councillor Jones referred to traffic flow and felt that the merging and opening of lanes was dangerous and could cause bottlenecks.  He did not feel that the Masterplan alleviated this issue and more detail was required on traffic movement.  The Assistant Director commented that the transport side of the project was separate and the Masterplan focussed on making the Southgates a gateway to the town.  Councillor Jones also commented that some people had no option but to use a car, so this needed to be considered when encouraging active travel and alternative travel options.


Councillor de Whalley referred to the 128 survey responses, the risks of the Brownfield Fund, Devolution and Tree planting.  He was also concerned for the businesses and residents and the potential development in a flood zone area.  The Assistant Director explained that the survey was carried out by an external company.  The full responses were included in the consultation results.  He also explained that residential development and flood risk would be considered as part of the planning process.  The Project Support Officer explained that a landscape architect was involved in the project who would look at tree planting and meetings had been held with landowners of Wisbech Road.


Councillor Parish commented that progress of the Masterplan had been ongoing for years.  He acknowledged that the area did need improving, but was concerned about the cost and financial risks.


Councillor Morley reiterated that the Masterplan should not form part of Supplementary Planning Guidance, but the STARS project should get up and running as soon as possible.


The Vice Chair, Councillor Gidney commented that planning was essential as often public projects over spent and went over time.  He also had some reservations about the junction design.


Councillor Bone commented that he was concerned for residents of The Friars and the traffic light changes which he felt would make the situation worse.  The Project Support Officer explained that businesses had been involved in looking at parking issues and their responses had been fed back to the consultants.


The Panel considered the recommendations as set out in the report and concerns were raised relating to the relationship between the Masterplan and the STARS project, the additional funding requirements and the build and development element of the project.


The Assistant Director confirmed that the Masterplan being taken forward as a Supplementary Planning Document had been looked at as a potential option, but the Cabinet report stated that it was now not being taken forward as one.


RESOLVED: That the Regeneration and Development Panel support the recommendations to Cabinet as set out below, with the amendments highlighted in bold.


That Cabinet:


1. Approve the final Southgates Masterplan Development Brief Document and the preferred option as set out in Appendix 1.  To be clear the Panel did not believe that it was appropriate that this becomes a Supplementary Planning Document.

2. Approve further feasibility and options testing for the development and delivery of the sites in the Southgates area, subject to viability and sustainability considerations to be brought back to the Regeneration and Development Panel for consideration.

3. Delegate authority to Assistant Director for Property and Projects in consultation with Portfolio Holder for Property, Portfolio Holder for Regeneration & Portfolio for Finance, to agree BCKLWN land contribution to Norfolk County Council’s King’s Lynn – Sustainable Transport and Regeneration Scheme (STARS) project.

4. Instruct Regeneration and Economic Development officers to progress with seeking further external funding that may be required to deliver the scheme.

5. A further report is brought back to Cabinet to update on the outcome of the next steps detailed in sections 4 & 5 of this report and consider the final arrangements for overall scheme delivery in early 2024.

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