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The ICT Manager presented the report which outlined a proposal to provide Members with an ICT solution following the 2023 Elections.
It reviewed the current provision of Members ICT equipment and examined the results of a questionnaire that was sent to all Elected Members during February 2023.
The Panel’s attention was drawn to the following sections of the report:
· Current ICT Solution.
· Current ICT Support Arrangements.
· Setting the Scene – Current trends regarding ICT device usage.
· Options considered.
· Proposed Solution.
The Chair thanked the ICT Manager for the report and invited questions from the Panel, a summary of which is set out below.
In response to a question from Councillor Morley on Councillors not being issued with a Council mobile phone, the ICT Manager explained that Councillors could request a sim card for use in their personal mobile phone.
Following further questions, the ICT Manager explained that a keyboard could be supplied with an IPad. It was noted that there was a range of keyboards which Councillors could choose from.
In response to question from the Chair, Councillor Moriarty on excessive data use, the ICT Manager explained that if the data used was excessive outside of the normal Wi-Fi using a sim card then the amount would be deducted from the Member’s allowance.
The Portfolio Holder for Finance commented that Councillors should not be dictated to on what their Member allowance was spent on. In response, the Monitoring Officer explained that agreement would be required from the Councillor before any ICT costs could be deducted from the allowance.
Councillor Morley commented on issues experienced due to not being able to access InSite from an iPad and that clear instructions would need to be given to new Councillors following the May Election. In response, the ICT Manager explained that a new version of SharePoint would be available by the end of 2023 which would make InSite more user friendly for both iPads and laptops.
The Portfolio Holder for Corporate Services, Councillor Humphrey added that the Members ICT allowance was a contribution to IT costs and Councillors could opt to use a Sim card but it would be acceptable to make a deduction from the Member’s allowance if that Member choose to use a Sim card.
Councillor Moriarty declared an interest as he had a sim card in his Council IPad which was not paid from his allownace but used in his Councillor role at Parish Council meetings.
The Chair thanked the ICT Manager for the report.
RESOLVED: The Panel supported the recommendations to Cabinet as set out below:
1) It is recommended that each Elected Member is provided with either an IPad tablet or laptop after the 2023 elections.
2) A 4G sim car can be provided in cases of poor connectivity, access to Microsoft Portal and where required a sim card to replace the current Council supplied mobile phone.
3) If a 4G IPad or laptop sim is provided the cost of this will be deducted from the Members allowance.
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