Agenda item

In accordance with Standing Order 11, to receive reports from Cabinet Members moved en bloc, under Standing Order 11.2 Members of the Council may ask questions of Cabinet Members on their reports and Portfolio areas. The order of putting questions shall commence with a Member from the largest opposition group, proceeding in descending order to the smallest opposition group, followed by a non-aligned Member and finally a Member from the ruling group. This order shall repeat until the time for questions has elapsed or there are no more questions to be put. 


The period of time for putting questions and receiving responses shall not exceed 50 minutes for all Cabinet Members, excluding the Leader


The period of time for putting questions and receiving responses to the Leader shall not exceed 15 minutes.


(Councillors are reminded that this is a question and answer session not a debate.)


Corporate Services - Councillor H Humphrey

Environment - Councillor P Kunes

Development - Councillor R Blunt

Finance – Councillor A Dickinson

Property – Councillor A Lawrence

People and Communities – Councillor S Sandell

Deputy Leader and Business, Culture & Heritage – Councillor G Middleton


Leader - Councillor S Dark




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Councillor Dark moved the Cabinet Members reports en bloc.  This was seconded by Councillor Middleton.


Councillor Kunes responded to a question from Councillor Holmes regarding EV charging points in the south of the Borough where it was explained the car parks weren’t owned by the Borough Council.


Councillor Parish’s asked Councillor Blunt if consideration had been given to starting the local Plan again.  Councillor Blunt confirmed that all options had been considered and legal advice taken and the route taken in the recent cabinet report.


Councillor Kemp  asked Councillor Blunt if he had considered a new Garden city instead of the proposed development at West Winch.  Councillor Blunt reminded members that the Inspector had sought the evidence used to justify the numbers proposed at West Winch, not the sustainability of the site which had been in the Plan for a number of years, and a lot of work had been carried out in preparation for the new road.


Councillor Long asked if it was possible to provide the figures for the carbon emissions and money saved with the Refit programme.  Councillor Kunes confirmed that one a year of operation had been in place it would be possible to calculate those savings.


Councillor Sandell responded to Councillor Squire’s question on whether giving financial advice at the foodbank would discourage people from using it by undertaking to provide a breakdown on the numbers  and queries.


In response to a question from Councillor Joyce on why the sites given permission over the years have not yet been delivered, Councillor Blunt reminded Members that the sites were privately owned and could not be forced to be developed.


Councillor Kemp asked what was being done to assist Freebridge bring forward their empty homes for renting.  Councillor Sandell explained that several meetings had been held with them and they were trying to bring their stock back on line.


Councillor Long asked Councillor Humphrey if there was a decision on future Councillor’s IT equipment.  Councillor Humphrey informed members that if they preferred to keep their Ipad they may, if not a laptop would be provided.


Councillor Rust asked Councillor Blunt if the Council was able to shape the governance arrangements of the Town Deal Board so the Council was more influential on it. Councillor Blunt reminded members that he was a Council representative on the Board which he considered to be open it its dealings .


Councillor Joyce asked if landowners and developers didn’t come forward with their sites if another should replace it.  Councillor Blunt confirmed that landowners were asked what their intentions were with sites.


Councillor Crofts asked for an update on CIL applications from January.  Councillor Blunt confirmed there had been 45 infrastructure project applications made to the value of £700,000.  He gave an update on some of the applications made.


Councillor de Whalley asked if in the Town Deal updates could be changed to give a red/green status and provide assurances on the risks and costs of the Town Deal.  Councillor Blunt reminded members that a summary of key projects and risks was given at the Member Major Projects Board.


Councillor Joyce referred again to the non delivery of sites with planning permission, to which Councillor Blunt explained that explanations had to be taken at face value. E confirmed that deliverability may be a factor in the future but it couldn’t influence their decisions..


Councillor Parish asked how many tourists in an area was sustainable, Councillor Middleton responded that it was about what an area could manage, and confirmed that there were a lot of people and businesses which relied on tourism but it had to be sustainable for the area.


Councillor Joyce asked what the plans were for the Council’s finances in 3 years time which was currently unfunded.  Councillor Dickinson explained the process which would be gone through in the coming years to review budgets.


Councillor Kemp asked about funding for works to the Ferry.  Councillor Blunt confirmed that the Borough and County Councils had undertaken a joint inspection of the ferry which showed no imminent or serious hazards needing immediate attention.  Potential funding sources were being discussed for any work required.


Councillor Whitby asked whether other developers had also included the environmentally friendly elements to their build as had been included at Parkway. Councillor Kunes reminded members that the Government had targets for their inclusion and the cessation of gas boilers which would mean that developers would eventually provide them.


Councillor Kunes confirmed that the Biodiversity Task Group would be able to start work soon now an Ecologist had been employed.


Councillor Kemp suggested that the provision of houses on Harding’s Way should be taken out of the local plan.  Councillor Blunt confirmed there was a small number allocated in the plan and they would be kept under review along with other sites.


Councillor Long asked what the situation with County Council funding was for the Lilley service. Councillor Sandell confirmed they were doing a great job and it was hoped that the service would continue  and would keep members informed.


Councillor Rust asked what due diligence had been undertaken with Solar Together.  Councillor Kunes confirmed this had been undertaken by the County Council.


Councillor Middleton responded to a question from Councillor de Whalley on what role parishes would have with the Rural Community Grant and whether they could bid for it.  He confirmed it was being administered by a third party.  He undertook to provide the information on what they could apply for.


In response to a point raised by Councillor Parish on the advice available from the Forestry Commission on tree planting, Councillor Kunes explained that the directly operational matters were dealt with by officers.


In response to a question from Councillor Squire, Councillor Kunes gave an update on the work being done to monitor the coastline, sandbanks, cliffs, promenade and groynes along the coast.


Councillor Sandell confirmed to Councillor Nockolds that subject to NHS approvals and planning permission there was due to be a new doctors surgery in South Lynn.


Councillor de Whalley asked if Councillor Kunes was due to visit the trees at Lynnsport soon, to which Councillor Kunes explained that a visit had been arranged to identify the vandalised or dead trees and they would be replaced.


Councillor Kunes responded to a point raised by Councillor Parish on air source heat pumps which were not appropriate in some older buildings, he explained that some installations were waiting on parts from China, but the existing boilers were left in place in the mean time. 


Leaders Question Time


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Councillor Parish questioned the benefit to local people of the Levelling Up scheme at the South Gates.  Councillor Dark reminded members that the County Council had chosen two to put forward and Government had accepted the scheme which was good news for the town.


Councillor Joyce asked about the County Council’s Strategic Transport Area and Regeneration Partnership Committee which was not cross party.  Councillor Dark confirmed it was working and discussion projects which were ongoing to between the Councils to ensure they progressed.


Councillor Kemp commented on Norwich’s Advisory Group.  She asked if funding for the ferry could be obtained from the STAR project.  Councillor Dark commented on the LUF bid and re-iterated that the Borough and County Councils were reviewing what was necessary for the ferry which would be considered at the time..


Councillor Rust drew attention to meetings with Secretary of State Steve Barclay and James Wild MP on the hospital and asked if Nick Markham who would now take the decision would be included.  Councillor Dark confirmed he would be included.


Councillor Joyce made reference to the ONS information on income deprived areas and asked how the LUF funding would help those areas, to which Councillor Dark responded that jobs, housing, aspiration healthcare and ambition were all taken into account for the area as part of the fund.


Councillor Kemp suggested that resurfacing of West Lynn footpaths could be included in scheme, to which Councillor Dark had already responded with what was included with the scheme.


Councillor Squire asked if consideration had been given to changing the name of the council as she considered it’s name too King’s Lynn focussed.  Councillor Dark drew attention to the focus on the whole borough that the council demonstrated.  He commented that there was a long history for the Borough and changing it would effect the Mayoralty.


Councillor Joyce commented that he did not believe the LUF would help the deprived area apart from providing temporary construction jobs.  Councillor Dark drew attention to the aspirational work being carried out for the benefit of the whole area such as the RCN college, and the provision of affordable housing within developments.


Councillor Parish made reference to the financial situation of the country in the Autumn and questioned nominations for MP positions.  Councillor Dark reminded members that it was not a role of this council to consider, but that the council should focus on what it was delivering.


Following points made by Councillor Joyce on the LUF project Councillor Dark reminded members it was a County Council led project supported and accepted by central Government.


Councillor Kemp asked whether he considered there should be a diabetic clinic in the new South Lynn surgery, to which Councillor Dark responded it was up to the NHS to decide what was needed within its surgeries.

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