Agenda item

i)              To consider the following Notice of Motion (4/23), submitted by Councillor Dark


One year on from the Putin regime’s illegal and immoral invasion of Ukraine that has caused intolerable death, destruction and misery this council thanks all those locally who have opened their homes and hearts to the 400 refugees who have settled in West Norfolk and the staff of our reception centre and partner agencies who have worked so hard to support them. We also recommit our condemnation of the war, call for its cessation and withdraw of the invading forces and our support to the Ukrainian people for as long as is needed.



ii)             To consider the following Notice of Motion (5/23), submitted by Councillor Dark


The Medworth Incinerator, Wisbech is currently at the ‘interested party’ submission hearing stage. This application is continuing to be brought forward causing concern to residents, despite in principle opposition from this council, Norfolk County Council and several other councils. It is now several months since our earlier widely supported motion stating our council’s opposition to this scheme. At this important stage we clearly re-state our opposition to reassure residents of our consistency in this and instruct officers to continue this approach in their submissions and interactions on this issue.




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i)                 Councillor Dark proposed the following Notice of Motion (4/23), seconded by Councillor Middleton.


Councillor Dark spoke in support of the Motion which he considered was still as meaningful as it had been a year ago. He acknowledged that the support given by the Council its Partners and the people of west Norfolk had gone from strength to strength and he wanted the message of support to be re-iterated:


One year on from the Putin regime’s illegal and immoral invasion of Ukraine that has caused intolerable death, destruction and misery this council thanks all those locally who have opened their homes and hearts to the 400 refugees who have settled in West Norfolk and the staff of our reception centre and partner agencies who have worked so hard to support them. We also recommit our condemnation of the war, call for its cessation and withdraw of the invading forces and our support to the Ukrainian people for as long as is needed.


Councillors Joyce, A Tyler and Rust spoke in favour of the motion and on being put to the vote it was agreed unanimously.


RESOLVED:   That the Motion be agreed.


Click here to view the recording of this item on You Tube


ii)                Councillor Dark proposed the following Notice of Motion (5/23), seconded by Councillor de Whalley. 


Councillor Dark spoke in support of the motion reminding members that as well as this Council other surrounding authorities and their MPs were in opposition to the proposal.  He expressed the wish to show continued opposition to the incinerator:


The Medworth Incinerator, Wisbech is currently at the ‘interested party’ submission hearing stage. This application is continuing to be brought forward causing concern to residents, despite in principle opposition from this council, Norfolk County Council and several other councils. It is now several months since our earlier widely supported motion stating our council’s opposition to this scheme. At this important stage we clearly re-state our opposition to reassure residents of our consistency in this and instruct officers to continue this approach in their submissions and interactions on this issue.


In debating and supporting the Motion Councillor Long spoke in support of it, drawing attention to the direction of the plume across the Borough and into the Wash.


Councillor Kemp spoke in support of the motion drawing attention to the potential harm to public health and the fact they were aiming to build the incinerator in an area of deprivation.


Councillor Joyce reminded members of the 93% of voters who voted against the proposed incinerator in South Lynn, which was no different to the current situation where all respondents were saying no.


Councillor Rust supported the motion reinforcing the opinions on incineration.


Councillor Parish spoke in support of the motion stating incineration wasn’t wanted anywhere.


Councillor Crofts spoke in support of the motion reminding members that the decision would be taken by the Minister.


Councillor de Whalley spoke in support of the motion and informed members that he had received the thanks for the support shown by the Borough Council from the local communities around the proposal.  He expressed concern that the developer had proposed the size of the incinerator to be just over the nationally significant level in order to short circuit local democracy.


Councillor Blunt, in representing many of the adjacent parishes confirmed the objections to it.  He confirmed attendance at the session with the Examiner in Wisbech and drew attention to the fact that there were 9 schools in the direct path of the plume from the proposal, along with a lot of the soft fruit grown in the area.  He urged members to send written submissions by 20 March.  The Examiner had to make a recommendation by 21 August, for onward decision by the Minister.


Councillor Dark in summing up drew attention to the fact the proposal was for a mega incinerator to be built on the doorstep which was causing residents considerable concern.


Councillor Devereux, with the required number of supporters requested a recorded vote on the motion.


Councillor Squire declared a non pecuniary interest in the item as she worked for the Forestry Commission and would be expected to respond to the NSIP, would need to remain neutral so would therefore abstain.











































































































A Tyler



D Tyler



De Whalley










RESOLVED:               That the Motion be adopted.