RECOMMENDED: That the contents of the report be noted and Council be recommended that the draft Local Plan previously approved by Full Council be amended as follows:
1) That reference to the term ‘A10/Main Rail Line Strategic Growth Corridor’ is deleted from the Plan.
2) That the Settlement Hierarchy reverts to that of the Core Strategy (as amended by the Site Allocations and Development Management Policies Document), subject to a check that it still remains up to date.
3) That a criterion-based policy is introduced into the Plan for the assessment of proposals for development in rural settlements. The Criterion-based policy to be agreed in consultation with the Chair and Vice-Chair of the Local Plan Task Group.
4) That a housing requirement is calculated for designated neighbourhood areas using the methodology set out at section 2.13 and Appendix 3.
Reason for Decision
To address concerns raised by the Local Plan Inspectors at examination in order that they may report the Plan is ‘sound’ and enable the Council to proceed to adoption at the earliest opportunity.
The comments of the Local Plan Task Group were taken into account in the revised recommendation 3.
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The Planning Policy Manager presented a report which explained that Full Council approved the draft Local Plan submitted for examination in March 2022. The Local Plan Inspectors adjourned the examination hearings to allow the Council to provide further evidence and justification, to ensure the submitted Plan was sound. This report set out the options to address the Inspectors’ concerns. In relation to the Spatial Strategy and Settlement Hierarchy in particular, those more substantive changes to the Plan were considered to require the approval of Full Council.
The Planning Policy Manager explained that the report had also been considered by the Local Plan Task Group on 28 February, the recommendations from which had been presented to Cabinet. The Task Group had supported 3 of the recommendations in the report, whilst recommending an amendment to recommendation 3 to suggest that the Criterion based policy to be agreed in consultation with the Chair and Vice-Chair of the Task Group. Cabinet supported this amendment.
Under standing order 34 Councillor Kemp addressed Cabinet made reference to sustainability at West Winch rather than Watlington or Downham Market. She stated that the Inspector’s comments on the sustainability, air quality, transport network and local amenities had not been demonstrated in the plan with the additional dwellings She considered no dwellings should be built in West Winch until the By Pass was completed.
Under standing order 34 Councillor de Whalley addressed the Cabinet suggesting that Downham Market and Watlington would be more sustainable locations for the growth due to their rail links. He considered that the council needed to justify why 2400 homes in West Winch was appropriate to the spatial strategy and consistent with national policy which he considered risked further delay in the local plan.
The Chair reminded Members that the letter from the Inspector listed the numbers of dwellings in fullness of time, 2,500 up to 2036 and then the potential to go up to 4,000 at a later date. The Planning Policy Manager confirmed 1,600 in the site allocation and up to 4,000 in the fullness of time. The Inspectors had requested evidence to support the increased allocation and allowed the Inspector to see the evidence that the site can accommodate up to 4,000 in the fullness of time.
The Chair confirmed that any planning applications being examined under the current Local Plan were not affected by the future plan.
Cabinet agreed the recommendation as amended by the Local Plan Task Group.
RECOMMENDED: That the contents of the report be noted and Council be recommended that the draft Local Plan previously approved by Full Council be amended as follows:
1) That reference to the term ‘A10/Main Rail Line Strategic Growth Corridor’ is deleted from the Plan.
2) That the Settlement Hierarchy reverts to that of the Core Strategy (as amended by the Site Allocations and Development Management Policies Document), subject to a check that it still remains up to date.
3) That a criterion-based policy is introduced into the Plan for the assessment of proposals for development in rural settlements. The Criterion-based policy to be agreed in consultation with the Chair and Vice-Chair of the Local Plan Task Group.
4) That a housing requirement is calculated for designated neighbourhood areas using the methodology set out at section 2.13 and Appendix 3.
Reason for Decision
To address concerns raised by the Local Plan Inspectors at examination in order that they may report the Plan is ‘sound’ and enable the Council to proceed to adoption at the earliest opportunity.
The comments of the Local Plan Task Group were taken into account.
Supporting documents: