In accordance with Standing Order 11, to receive reports from Cabinet Members moved en bloc, under Standing Order 11.2 Members of the Council may ask questions of Cabinet Members on their reports and Portfolio areas. The order of putting questions shall commence with a Member from the largest opposition group, proceeding in descending order to the smallest opposition group, followed by a non-aligned Member and finally a Member from the ruling group. This order shall repeat until the time for questions has elapsed or there are no more questions to be put.
The period of time for putting questions and receiving responses shall not exceed 50 minutes for all Cabinet Members, excluding the Leader
The period of time for putting questions and receiving responses to the Leader shall not exceed 15 minutes.
(Councillors are reminded that this is a question and answer session not a debate.)
Corporate Services - Councillor H Humphrey
Environment - Councillor P Kunes
Development - Councillor R Blunt
Finance – Councillor A Dickinson
Property – Councillor A Lawrence
People and Communities – Councillor S Sandell
Deputy Leader and Business, Culture & Heritage – Councillor G Middleton – to follow
Leader - Councillor S Dark – to follow
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Councillor Dark moved the Cabinet Members reports en bloc. This was seconded by Councillor Middleton.
Councillor Morley asked whether grant monies had to be paid back on air source heat pumps, to which Councillor Kunes disagreed.
Councillor Bone in expressing delight at the North End Alleyways being cleared asked how they would be kept clear. Councillor Kunes explained that it had taken so long to do as the ownership of the alleys was in question, he drew attention to the issues having to be dealt with during the clearance.
Councillor Kemp suggested that the training pledge should be used to train young people to work with Freebridge to bring houses back into use. Councillor Sandell commented that Freebridge had recently provided an update to all councillors on those delays.
In response to Councillor Crofts question on when it was expected to have an update on the Local Plan Examination, Councillor Blunt stated that the work was almost complete and he would be discussing the criteria based policy with the task group Vice-Chair in readiness for the 26 April deadline. From there the Inspectors would decide if it was acceptable and make recommendations on the soundness of the process and following a consultation process it would come back to the Council for further consideration.
Councillor Parish asked whether Councillor Blunt’s portfolio was too large to which he responded that it was helpful when Deputy portfolio holders were in place, he also hoped that the changes to the staffing structure would help.
Councillor Morley asked of the emergency access for Parkway had been resolved, to which Councillor Blunt commented that the County Highways department were considering it as part of condition 9 of the planning application.
Councillor Long asked if Councillor Kunes agreed that the collection of batteries was good for west Norfolk, to which Councillor Kunes commented that he was amazed at how many were being collected, and the collection of smaller electrical goods for recycling was now being rolled out.
Councillor Squires asked Councillor Kunes how prepared the Borough was for the unavoidable climate impacts. Councillor Kunes gave a run down of things the Council was doing such as raising the heights of sea banks in the Borough. He referred to tree planting but also reported that they were often vandalised. He suggested that the use of solar farms and battery storage would be a sensible approach.
Councillor Collop asked Councillor Lawrence about the reference to Gaywood Community Centre ownership, to which he explained that the similar offer was made to community groups as was made to Hunstanton.
Councillor Nockolds asked Councillor Middleton about the Soap Box Derby being held in Hunstanton that weekend. To which he advised that there were 48 carts registered.
In response to a question from Councillor Rust on the where the fine money from Serco was spent, Councillor Kunes explained that things such as solar litter bins had been purchased for Hunstanton. He also commented that contaminated bins amounted to 5-10% of bins.
Councillor Long asked Councillor Humphrey if there would be flexibility for members in for IT equipment in the new year. Councillor Humphrey confirmed there would be.
In response to a question from Councillor de Whalley on where the funding for the reduced emissions targets would come from, Councillor Kunes responded that it was hoped that grants would be available from the Government that would prove sufficient by 2030.
In response to a question from Councillor Holmes on how far from a fully staffed and experienced Planning Department was the council, Councillor Blunt confirmed that progress was being made with new positions being filled.
Councillor Ryves asked Councillor Lawrence about KLIC and if it supported young businesses and the nature of the centre. Councillor Lawrence confirmed it was for smaller businesses without the high overhead costs and fulfilled what it was built for.
Councillor Sandell responded to Councillor Squire that at the foodbank the CAB advisor was carrying out amongst other things - benefit checks, homeless support, food vouchers café, law services.
Councillor de Whalley asked Councillor Blunt what the Guildhall re-profiling was from DHULC. Councillor Middleton confirmed that it had taken longer than anticipated to recruit the design team which had meant that some of the spend had to be reprofiled to the following year which did mean that there was little flexibility in delivery because of the delay.
The Leader’s Questions
Councillor Rust asked if the Leader had spoken to Nick Markham if any money awarded to the Queen Elizabeth Hospital would be linked to inflation rates to maintain its value and deliver what the community needs. The Leader drew attention to the attempts made across the community and frustration at the delays, but the size of the funding required would mean many layers of Government examining the proposed spend. He hoped from the reassurance he had received from the Prime Minister and MP that the news would be forthcoming.
The Mayor closed the meeting after 3 hours
At the end of the meeting the Mayor thanked Members for their support during the last year. Councillor Collingham thanked the Mayor for her chairmanship of the Council meetings in the last year.
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