i) To consider the following Notice of Motion (6/23), submitted by Councillor Parish and seconded by Councillor Dark:
“This Council has received briefings on the County ‘devolution’ Deal currently being considered by Norfolk County Council.
In light of these we note that there is nothing in the ‘deal’ currently that impacts on the powers and sovereignty of this council and more money could be coming to Norfolk as a consequence of it.
However, the ‘deal’ text is currently out to public consultation and going through Parliament before a final debate and decision at Norfolk County Council at around December 2023, so alterations in the coming months are a real possibility.
Consequently, this council believes it is prudent to reserve it’s final position on the ultimate ‘deal’ at this time and instructs officers to continue engaging on behalf of West-Norfolk, focussed on 3 areas; this council’s powers and sovereignty remain undiminished; West-Norfolk will have a fair say in the priorities being set for any new funding under the ‘deal’ and West-Norfolk will have a fair opportunity to access such funding with a report being brought before council promptly if anything material to the above changes or in sufficient time for consideration and debate to occur and a clear public position to be taken before the County Council decision in December 2023.”
ii) To consider the following Notice of Motion (7/23), submitted by Councillor Sandell and seconded by Councillor Dark
As this council comes to the end of its term and reflects back on an unprecedented, exceptionally demanding four years it formally thanks its staff, partner councils and agencies, partner charities and the many local volunteer groups and individuals who have worked flexibly, diligently and effectively to support and move West Norfolk forwards throughout this time.
Click here to view the recording of this item on You Tube
i) Councillor Parish and seconded by Councillor Dark proposed the following Notice of Motion (6/23):
“This Council has received briefings on the County ‘devolution’ Deal currently being considered by Norfolk County Council.
In light of these we note that there is nothing in the ‘deal’ currently that impacts on the powers and sovereignty of this council and more money could be coming to Norfolk as a consequence of it.
However, the ‘deal’ text is currently out to public consultation and going through Parliament before a final debate and decision at Norfolk County Council at around December 2023, so alterations in the coming months are a real possibility.
Consequently, this council believes it is prudent to reserve it’s final position on the ultimate ‘deal’ at this time and instructs officers to continue engaging on behalf of West-Norfolk, focussed on 3 areas; this council’s powers and sovereignty remain undiminished; West-Norfolk will have a fair say in the priorities being set for any new funding under the ‘deal’ and West-Norfolk will have a fair opportunity to access such funding with a report being brought before council promptly if anything material to the above changes or in sufficient time for consideration and debate to occur and a clear public position to be taken before the County Council decision in December 2023.”
In debating the Motion, Councillor Morley proposed the following amendments which were seconded by Councillor de Whalley:
Consequently, this Council believes it is essential to reserve now its final position on the ultimate “deal”, and instructs oOfficers to continue to engage in the consultation process with the objective of delivering on the following agenda.
This Council’s existing powers and
1. sovereignty to remain undiminished.
2. Ensure a fair and equitable debate amongst all interested parties to secure an equitable outcome but also having regard to the further agenda.
3. Apportionment of funds at day 1 and in the future to be based on proven evidence of need and clear improvement opportunities. The era of “shovel ready” projects (revenue or capital) to stop.
4. Funding to recognise that we are a gateway to the North Sea, Hanseatic, Cambridgeshire and Lincolnshire and our needs, such as transport, road and rail infrastructure and business clusters vary from others.
A report is to be brought promptly before Council if anything material occurs which will frustrate this Agenda being secured and in sufficient time for consideration and debate to permit a clear and open position to be taken before the County Council decision in December 2023
The amendments were not accepted by Councillor Parish. In debating the amendment Councillor Long commented that he was part of the Group at the County Council looking at its Constitution, and would not support anything not acceptable for the Borough. Councillor Dark commented on the lateness of the amendment which had not been circulated. He re-iterated the contents of the original motion. On being put to the vote the amendment was lost.
Councillor Ryves proposed a further amendment – that the pros and cons of the County Deal be prepared in order for Council to be informed for its response. This was seconded by Councillor Joyce. Councillor Parish declined to accept the amendment.
Council debated the amendment, Councillors Morley, Bone, Joyce, Rust and de Whalley spoke for the amendment. Councillors Dark and Middleton spoke against. Councillor Lord Howard referred to the poor drafting of the legislation for the Bill. Councillor Moriarty informed Council that he would abstain as he also sat on the County body considering the matter.
In summing up Councillor Parish referred to the content of the substantive and assured members that it contained the necessary information and instructions to gain all the required information.
On being put to the vote the amendment was lost.
In debating the substantive Councillor Kemp suggested an amendment to reject the deal. It was confirmed that this would substantially amend the substantive motion. Therefore, this was not permitted.
Council debated the motion, and in summing up Councillor Parish commented that his earlier motion had now changed as there was further information provided. The decision did not have to be taken urgently, but did instruct officers to find out more and report back swiftly after the election.
On being put to the vote the Motion was agreed.
RESOLVED: That the Motion be approved.
Click here to view the recording of this item on You Tube
ii) Councillor Sandell, seconded by Councillor Dark proposed the following Notice of Motion (7/23):
As this council comes to the end of its term and reflects back on an unprecedented, exceptionally demanding four years it formally thanks its staff, partner councils and agencies, partner charities and the many local volunteer groups and individuals who have worked flexibly, diligently and effectively to support and move West Norfolk forwards throughout this time.
Councillor Long supported the motion commending the Council’s staff for their work in the preceding four years, particularly with the pandemic.
Councillor Kunes commended the work of officers to make the achievements they had done over the previous term.
Councillor A Tyler thanked staff for their constructive advice, assistance and support during his 25 years as a councillor.
Councillor Rust proposed an amendment to the motion “that staff be given a 10% pay award for the following year”. This was seconded by Councillor Bone.
Councillor Dark commented that whilst appreciating the sentiment could not accept the amendment. He referred to meetings held with staff organisations in order to go through the proper processes which had already commenced for the coming year.
Councillor Joyce commented that he did not have the financial detail. Councillor Moriarty commented that it was a new issue and had not been able to think through the consequences of the proposal.
On being put to the vote, the amendment was lost.
In debating the substantive on behalf of Councillor Sandell, Councillor Middleton commented that no one had expected the pandemic, the war in Ukraine or the cost of living crisis. He made reference to some of the things which staff had done in that time and worked hard for the people of the Borough.
Councillor Joyce made reference to the staff in the Revenues and Benefits department who had given out large amounts of grant during this time. He referred to staff being able to work from home during this time.
Councillor Humphrey commented that as Mayor he had seen the benefits of the work carried out during that time. He drew attention to the good working arrangements with contractors such as the Refuse and Recycling contractors who had continued to work in difficult circumstances.
Councillor Lawrence referred to the “All In” campaign where officers had worked to bring in rough sleepers. He referred to the fact that the Council wasn’t shut down during that time and thanked staff.
Councillor Jones asked for his thanks to be passed to those officers responsible for clearing the alleyways in North End which had been fly tipped.
Councillor Parish reminded members that parish councils were also working during the pandemic.
In summing up Councillor Dark drew attention to the happenings of the last 4 years and the work carried out by staff and thanked the staff who had delivered in the last 4 years.
The substantive motion was put to the vote.
RESOLVED: That the substantive Motion be approved.