Agenda item


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In presenting the report, the Assistant to the Chief Executive explained that the corporate performance monitoring report was in place to monitor progress against agreed performance indicators for the year 2022/23.  It was noted that the report contained information on the corporate performance monitoring undertaken for Q3 2022/23.


The Panel was informed that the Q3 2022/23 monitoring report showed that 36 targets had been met, 11 indicators were near to target and 7 indicators required improvement.


The Assistant to the Chief Executive advised that following the publication of the Agenda, the correction to the following information:


           Page 32, 5.6:  King’s Lynn long stay, car parking tickets purchased – November 2022 should read 12,866.


The Assistant to the Chief Executive advised that the monitoring report now featured a summary to highlight specific performance issues where indicators had not met or were near to the agreed targets.  Trend detail and officer comments were included to provide an overview of the indicators listed in the summary.


The Assistant to the Chief Executive explained that the Assistant Director for Careline and Care and Repair was present to answer any questions in relation and adapt grants completed, emergency repair grants and what the team would be working on and why the indicators were showing red at the current time.


In response to questions from Councillor Long on indicator 1.3 % of calls answered within 90 seconds, the Assistant to the Chief Executive explained that the clock started ticking once the customer had joined the queue not when selecting the appropriate option.  It was deemed 90 seconds to be a fair target and during Q3 the response time had been 69 secs.  It was explained that during Q3 the Customer Information Centre had seen the volume of calls and resources return to normal, this had resulted in monthly targets being met with an 8% improvement from Q2.


Councillor Kunes commented that he had previously been involved with the sale of telephone equipment for call centres and that 90 seconds was the standard time to respond to calls but explained that the target time could be adjusted.


Councillor de Whalley stated that after looking at the information it seemed to be an achievable target to work to.


The Assistant to the Chief added that it was an important target because many customers telephoned on mobile phones who were charged whilst waiting for a response so it should be a priority to answer calls as quickly as possible.


In response to questions from the Chair, Councillor Moriarty in relation to adapt grants completed, emergency repair grants, the Assistant Director explained the target was the number of grants delivered within timescale and provided an overview on the Disabled Facilities Grant, Adapt and emergency repairs grants.  It was highlighted that there had been significant delay during the Pandemic and the team were now working through the backlog.  In conclusion, the Assistant Director explained that it was necessary to review how the information was presented to the Panel in the future to provide a better overview on how the service was performing.


The Chair welcomed Oliver Judges, new Executive Director – Place to the meeting.


Councillor Morley asked for clarification on the figures for the following indicators and how they linked together:


·         2.10:  Number of homes delivered.

·         2.11:  Number of new homes built (BCKLWN).

·         2.12:  Number of new homes sold (BCKLWN).


In response, the Assistant to the Chief Executive explained that she would need to speak to the relevant Assistant Director as to why there was disparity between homes built and homes sold and respond to Councillor Morley.


The Chief Executive added that the number of homes delivered included those delivered across the Borough not just the units developed by the Borough Council.


Following further questions from Councillor Morley on indicator 2.14:  Number of new Affordable Homes (West Norfolk Housing Company Ltd) and questioned if text be inserted to indicate how many were affordable homes were built in a year and that there appeared to be a gap.  In response, the Chief Executive advised that officers could look at the points raised by Councillor Morley regarding West Norfolk Housing Company and affordable units to ascertain if the requested information could be included in future reports.


In response to questions from Councillor Long on the number of private rented properties with West Norfolk Property and the number of affordable properties with West Norfolk Housing Company, the numbers were fine but it was the knowledge  that they were being rented or vacant possession or taken possession of, etc, the Assistant to the Chief Executive explained that the properties were being lived in but officers would look to add more details to the indicators when the annual report was presented to the Panel.


The Chair, Councillor Moriarty invited the Panel to submit questions on specific areas  in advance when the report was presented to future meetings to ensure that responses could be available.


The Chair thanked the Assistant to the Chief Executive for the report and the Assistant Director for responding to questions raised.


RESOLVED:  The Panel reviewed the performance monitoring report.




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