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The Assistant Director, Property and Projects introduced Tracy Brooker, Property Services Manager to the Panel who would be presented future reports.
The Assistant Director presented the report published as a supplement to the agenda and explained that the kiosk tenants had been canvassed regarding the disposal of waste and responses had been attached to the report as an appendix. The Panel was advised that all tenants had claimed that they disposed of waste in an appropriate manner and that only one complaint had been received by Property Services in relation to waste water. The responsibilities of tenants had been included in the Lease and the Borough Council would monitor the situation when resource was available. In conclusion, the Assistant Director explained that there was a legal remedy if there was a breach of the terms of the Lease.
The Property Services Manager explained that there were provisions within the Leases for disposal of waste water appropriately and that the Council had a meeting scheduled with Anglian Water Authority week commencing 6 March 2023. The Panel was advised that tenants were reminded on an annual basis at the beginning and end of the season of their responsibilities for appropriate disposal of waste material.
In response to a comment from the Chair, Councillor Moriarty on the appendix, the column Waste Water, Kiosk 13, transferred to where, the Assistant Director explained that it was an extract from an excel spreadsheet and undertook to circulate the information to the Panel.
Councillor Long provided clarification that where waste oil, water and trade waste was being removed from kiosks were presumably all items classified as waste were controlled by the appropriate Act and there would be waste transfer note for each consignment for any commercial waste operator collecting waste. In response, the Assistant Director advised that the companies collecting waste were all registered and recognised companies, but there was a concern that waste was being taken home and disposed of as residential waste. The Panel was informed that there was a relatively modest amount of waste generated from a kiosk.
Under Standing Order 34, Councillor Beal referred to paragraphs 2.1 and 2.2 and asked for clarification on the monitoring arrangements. In response, the Assistant Director explained that a letter was sent to tenants to reinforce their responsibilities for disposal of waste and that Borough Council officers from Property Services and Resort Services monitored the situation when resource was available but highlighted the difficulties in policing the disposal of waste material.
In response to a question from the Chair, Councillor Moriarty if the Council could assist with the kiosk tenants compliance with the terms of the lease, the Assistant Director advised that the majority of tenants had arrangements in place with recognised companies. If the Council provided assistance a service charge would be incurred and highlighted the fact that Property Services had only received one complaint on disposal of waste water.
Under Standing Order 34, Councillor Beal outlined his reasons why he did not agree with the explanation from the Assistant Director. Councillor Beal stated that a simple solution would be for every kiosk to be issued with a water bowser which was emptied on a weekly basis and a trade waste bin be placed outside each kiosk. In response, the Portfolio Holder for Environment explained that it would not be economically viable for the Council to provide a bowser for each kiosk.
Following the comments and questions from the Panel, the Chair asked for a further ten minute update to be provided to the next meeting.
RESOLVED: The Panel to receive a further update report to be presented to the Panel at the next meeting on 5 April 2023.
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