Agenda item

a)            THE FINANCIAL PLAN 2023/2027 AND COUNCIL TAX RESOLUTION 2023/24  (Document attached)


Pursuant to Minute CAB117: Financial Plan2022/2027of the Cabinet Meeting held on 7 February 2023, the “Financial Plan 2022/2027and Council Tax Resolution 2023/2024” the document attached as a supplementary to the agenda for consideration and decision includes an updated summary of the Financial Plan 2022/2027, the County Council, the Police and Crime Commissioner - Council Tax for 2023/2024 and details of Parish Precepts and Internal Drainage Boards levies for 2023/2024. 


NOTE:In accordance with Statutory Instrument 2014 No. 165, Local Government, England, The Local Authorities (Standing Orders) (England) (Amendment) Regulations 2014, any decision taken on the Council’s Budget or Council Tax setting must be taken with a recorded vote




b)         CABINET RECOMMENDATIONS FROM 7 FEBRUARY 2023 (document attached)


CAB118 :        Treasury Management Policy

CAB119:         Capital Strategy 2023-24

CAB120:         Capital Programme 2023-24



Supporting documents: