Agenda item



  1. That the Council enter a Memorandum of Understanding with DLUHC based on the attached prospectus for the Local Authority Housing Fund (see appendix 2 of the report). Authority be delegated to the Chief Executive in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Housing People and Communities to agree the final terms of the Memorandum of Understanding with DLUHC.
  2. That the Council accept the total sum of £1,719,141 offered to the Council by DLUHC under the Local Authority Housing Fund to deliver the programme understanding the match funding requirements as set out in the report and prospectus attached to the report.
  3. That, subject to agreement from West Norfolk Housing Company, the properties be acquired by West Norfolk Housing Company, funded by the grant, debt financing and other available funding
  4. That the Council requests that West Norfolk Housing Company works with the Council to deliver the properties through the fund.
  5. That the principle of allocating properties acquired through the fund to eligible Ukrainian and Afghan households be agreed. A further report setting out a policy approach will follow separately.

6.    That authority be delegated to the Assistant Director Programme & Project Delivery to

a.    alter the proposed NORA 4 tenure mix, originally agreed by Cabinet on the 4th February 2020 (CAB 106), where necessary, to facilitate the disposal of properties previously identified as Private Rent and/or Open Market Sale, to West Norfolk Housing Company (WNHC) as affordable housing

b.    negotiate the terms of any disposal with West Norfolk Housing Company.


Reason for Decision

The recommendations will ensure that the opportunity presented by the Local Authority Housing Fund to deliver affordable housing in the borough will be fully realised and will help to relieve pressures on the council’s homelessness services.




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The Housing Services Manager presented the report which provided information on the funding offered to BCKLWN in December 2022 through the Local Authority Housing Fund (LAHF). The programme had been established by the Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities (DLUHC) to support Local Authorities to acquire homes to accommodate households with housing needs who had arrived in the UK via Ukrainian and Afghan resettlement and relocation schemes.


The Council had been offered grant to acquire 14 homes for Ukrainian households and 2 larger properties for Afghan households. This was subject to acceptance of terms by the Council through a Memorandum of Understanding. The purpose of the report was to seek approval to accept the grant and inform the Cabinet of the requirements of the grant funding and potential delivery options.


Under standing order 34 Councillor de Whalley spoke of the plight of those refugees and supported the proposals.


Under standing order 34 Councillor Joyce commented that the EIA had not been published with the agenda.  He sought clarification on the visa status of the people who would be homed in order to give re assurance to the host community.


It was explained that officers had spoken to the County Council who had confirmed that the Afghani refugees would have indefinite leave to remain, and the Ukrainian refugees would have a limited stay visa.


Under standing order 34 Councillor Parish commented that he was neutral on it at the moment, but he felt it was a rushed proposal by Government.   He asked how many people were on the waiting list in west Norfolk


Councillor Middleton reminded members of the Council’s duty to fulfil the same as the rest of the country.  He reiterated that West Norfolk Housing Company would potentially be purchasing the properties which would be added to the housing stock.  When at some time in the future the properties were vacated they would then become available to let as part of the Company’s rentable stock.  The Housing services Manager confirmed that the properties were added to the stock and would not be adding to existing pressures on the waiting list.


Councillor Humphrey asked what would happen to the properties if there were not sufficient numbers to fill them on the allotted basis.  It was confirmed that there were 2 properties for Afghani refugees and 14 for Ukrainian refugees, if there was not enough demand and they were not allocated they could be used for the wider needs.   Councillor Humphrey also asked what the potential additional payments referred to in the report were, to which it was explained that if other authorities did not participate in the scheme there may be further funding available further down the line.


In summing up Councillor Dark confirmed that there was an issue with the size of waiting lists and the Council had been engaging with Freebridge on the matter.   Councillor Dark reminded Members that the Afghani refugees had been supporting the British forces in Afghanistan or were women and children under threat, and the situation for the Ukrainian refugees was well known be all.  They were all in the county legally and needed support, and if the Council didn’t enter into this agreement there would be further pressure on Freebridge.  He encouraged members to support them.


It was noted that the Environment and Community Panel had supported the recommendations in the report.



1)            That the Council enter a Memorandum of Understanding with DLUHC based on the attached prospectus for the Local Authority Housing Fund (see appendix 2 of the report). Authority be delegated to the Chief Executive in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Housing People and Communities to agree the final terms of the Memorandum of Understanding with DLUHC.

2)            That the Council accept the total sum of £1,719,141 offered to the Council by DLUHC under the Local Authority Housing Fund to deliver the programme understanding the match funding requirements as set out in the report and prospectus attached to the report.

3)            That, subject to agreement from West Norfolk Housing Company, the properties be acquired by West Norfolk Housing Company, funded by the grant, debt financing and other available funding

4)            That the Council requests that West Norfolk Housing Company works with the Council to deliver the properties through the fund.

5)            That the principle of allocating properties acquired through the fund to eligible Ukrainian and Afghan households be agreed. A further report setting out a policy approach will follow separately.

6)            That authority be delegated to the Assistant Director Programme & Project Delivery to

a.    alter the proposed NORA 4 tenure mix, originally agreed by Cabinet on the 4th February 2020 (CAB 106), where necessary, to facilitate the disposal of properties previously identified as Private Rent and/or Open Market Sale, to West Norfolk Housing Company (WNHC) as affordable housing

b.    negotiate the terms of any disposal with West Norfolk Housing Company.


Reason for Decision

The recommendations will ensure that the opportunity presented by the Local Authority Housing Fund to deliver affordable housing in the borough will be fully realised and will help to relieve pressures on the council’s homelessness services.



Supporting documents: