Minute extracts will follow
CAB104: West Winch Growth Area Masterplan
CAB105: Council Tax Support Scheme 2023/24 (Including Nom 11/22)
CAB107: Parkway Development Update
Click here to view the recording of this item on You Tube
Councillor Dark, with Councillor Middleton seconding, proposed the recommendations from the Cabinet meeting on 17 January 2023:
CAB104: West Winch Growth Area Masterplan
Council debated the recommendations with comments made on the lack of infrastructure being provided prior to any development being built, issues around transport, drainage and the deferral of the recommendations until the current Local Plan Examination had re-convened.
Council’s attention was drawn to the fact that the West Winch
proposals had been dealt with at the previous Local Plan
Examination and were not affected by the current one.
Councillor Moriarty proposed an amendment: that the final decision on the West Winch Supplementary Planning Document be deferred until after the Local Plan Examination was reconvened. This was seconded by Councillor Kemp.
Councillor Dark did not accept the amendment.
Members debated the amendment, and on being put to the vote the amendment was lost 23 For, 24 Against and 1 Abstention.
Council then debated the substantive motion. At the request of the required number of members a recorded vote was taken on the substantive motion.
For |
Against |
Abstain |
Ayres |
Bhondi |
Morley |
Bambridge |
Bone |
Blunt |
Bullen |
Bower |
Collop |
Bubb |
Holmes |
Collingham |
Howland |
Crofts |
Howman |
Dark |
Hudson |
Devereux |
Jones |
Dickinson |
Joyce |
Gidney |
Kemp |
Hipperson |
Lawton |
Humphrey |
Lowe |
Kirk |
Moriarty |
Kunes |
Nash |
Lawrence |
Parish |
Long |
Rust |
Manning |
Ryves |
Middleton |
Squire |
Nockolds |
A Tyler |
Rose |
Ware |
Sampson |
De Whalley |
Sandell |
Wilkinson |
D Tyler |
24 |
23 |
1 |
Click here to view the recording of this item on You Tube
Council considered CAB105: Council Tax Support Scheme 2023/24 (Including Nom 11/22). Councillor Jones, seconded by Councillor Hudson proposed the amendment that the Council Tax support Scheme for 2023-24 be set at 100%.
Councillor Dark did not accept the amendment.
Council debated the amendment, which Councillor Jones recommended be paid for from savings in grass cutting on behalf of the County Council and changes to where money was invested.
Council debated the amendment, and with the required number of members a recorded vote was taken.
For |
Against |
Abstain |
Bhondi |
Ayres |
Bone |
Bambridge |
Bullen |
Blunt |
Collop |
Bower |
Holmes |
Bubb |
Howland |
Collingham |
Howman |
Crofts |
Howland |
Dark |
Hudson |
Devereux |
Jones |
Dickinson |
Joyce |
Gidney |
Kemp |
Hipperson |
Lawton |
Humphrey |
Lowe |
Kirk |
Moriarty |
Kunes |
Morley |
Lawrence |
Nash |
Long |
Parish |
Manning |
Rust |
Middleton |
Ryves |
Nockolds |
Squire |
Rose |
A Tyler |
Sampson |
De Whalley |
Sandell |
Wilkinson |
D Tyler |
Whitby |
23 |
25 |
0 |
Council then debated the substantive motion which was put to the vote and approved 29 for, 14 against, 2 abstain.
At 18.12, Council adjourned to 18.22.
Click here to view the recording of this item on You Tube
Council debated CAB107: Parkway Development Update, commenting on the risks of the scheme, its costs, the question of the benefit to the community, air quality. The large numbers on the housing lists were highlighted, along with the green elements to the construction of the properties.
Councillor Squire proposed an amendment that recommendation 4 be replaced with: “the future management arrangements for the proposed wildlife and environment site to the east of the development be referred to the Environment and Community Panel for full discussion.” The amendment was seconded by Councillor Moriarty.
Councillor Dark did not accept the amendment. On being put to the vote, the amendment was lost 20 For, 25 Against 2 Abstain.
Council then debated the substantive motion with points raised that more affordable housing was needed, flood risk on the site, and the earlier history to the site and support received for the reduction in its size in 2021 and its green credentials with the wildlife site next to the site.
On being put to the vote the substantive motion was carried: 27 For, 15 Against, 4 Abstain.
RESOLVED: That the recommendations from the 17 January 2023 Cabinet meeting be approved.
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