Agenda item

As requested by the Panel at the previous meeting.


Click here to view the recording of this item on You Tube.


Members were reminded that at their previous meeting they had requested an overview of the Guildhall Project Budget.  The Project Officer presented information on the budget as required. 


The Chair thanked officers for the update and invited questions and comments from the Panel.


Councillor de Whalley had submitted questions in advance of the meeting and officers responded to the questions explaining that a further update on the project would come forward in the spring and then in Autumn following the completion of RIBA Stage 3.  It was also explained that the headings used in the update report were standard headings used for the project and The Project Officer agreed to circulate the more detailed information to Councillor de Whalley.


It was also explained that high level phasing scenarios for the project had been carried out and these would be explored further with the Design Team as the project moves through at RIBA Stage two and three. 


The Interim Projects and Technical Delivery Advisor explained that the costs had been identified by experts and these would be firmed up once a design team had been appointed.  He explained that he was currently reviewing the Councils project management processes, reporting arrangements and how Members would be updated in the future.


Councillor Morley commented that he had requested that this update be brought to the Panel, but was still unclear on the plan going forward, the tender arrangements and the communications plan.  The Interim Projects and Technical Delivery Advisor explained that reporting and monitoring arrangements would be improved in the future and reminded the Panel that the Member Major Projects Board were the body responsible for monitoring major projects progress.


Councillor Morley explained that he required more detail on the next steps and he hoped that information would also be provided to the Guildhall Task Group.


The Chair requested that Councillor Morley make a clear request to officers on the information he would like provided and this could be brought to a future meeting of the Regeneration and Development Panel.


The Portfolio Holder, Councillor Middleton explained that it was important to recognise the role of officers and Members.  The Council had agreed this project and officers were now implementing it and going through the correct operational processes. 


Councillor Moriarty commented that it was the Panels job to scrutinise decisions and the work of officers, and this did not fall within the remit of the Guildhall Task Group, so it was appropriate for it to be considered by the Regeneration and Development Panel.


Councillor Nockolds addressed the Panel under Standing Order 34, informing the Panel that she was the Chair of the Guildhall Task Group which were meeting next week and would receive updates as appropriate.


Councillor Ryves addressed the Panel under Standing Order 34 and commented that budget had increased and needed to be looked at.


RESOLVED: Councillor Morley to make a specific request to officers on the exact detail he would like and this to be provided to Members of the Regeneration and Development Panel as appropriate.

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