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The Assistant Director explained that this report was a follow on from the Cabinet report of 21st July 2022 and provided an overview of the UK Shared Prosperity Fund and Rural England Prosperity Fund funding allocations and how they would be administered. A copy of the presentation is attached.
Officers firstly presented information on the UK Shared Prosperity Fund and invited questions and comments from the Panel.
Councillor Bubb referred to the Markets Task Group which had made a list of recommendations to enhance the Market offer and it was confirmed that this could be considered.
Councillor Kemp addressed the Panel under Standing Order 34 and stated that she supported the Ferry feasibility study. She commented that active travel, public transport, increasing footfall in the town centre and improvements to coastal footpaths especially in West Lynn should be a priority for this funding.
Councillor de Whalley asked for the Norfolk Greenways Project, projects to reduce air pollution, Kick the Dust project, expansion of the school of nursing and the Carnegie Library to be considered for this funding. The Regeneration Programmes Manager informed Members that at the Regeneration and Development Panel meeting on 10th January would be receiving information on the Norfolk wide Local Cycling and Walking Infrastructure Plan which would cover elements of the Norfolk Greenways Project.
In response to a question from Councillor de Whalley, the Assistant Director explained that it hoped that this was long term funding, but the future was always uncertain. He also reminded the Panel of the Tourism Informal Working Group who were looking at a high-level strategy for West Norfolk.
Councillor Bullen made a plea that the funding was not just King’s Lynn focussed and it was vital that Downham Market and the Southern part of the Borough be included. Councillor Bower agreed that it needed to be Borough wide and that Hunstanton also be included.
The Assistant Director explained that an equitable approach would need to be ensured and there would be a role for Councillors to promote the funding within their local communities.
Councillor Kunes, Portfolio Holder for Environment and Climate Change endorsed comments made by Councillor Kemp in that he supported improvement works to the West Lynn Footpath.
Members were reminded that there were two different funds available, one of which was focussed on Rural Prosperity and officers provided information on the Rural England Prosperity Fund.
Officers explained that as this was a specialist field it was anticipated that administration of the scheme would be outsourced to an organisation that had experience in administering grants. Once funding allocations had been confirmed, then work would be carried out with delivery partners to identify the application process. It was also clarified that the scheme would be complementary to CIL and would not duplicate Parish Partnership Schemes.
Members were provided with information on the Partnership Board and Programme Management Board.
Councillor Parish commented that other industries needed to be considered over and above Tourism and commented that it should not just be about increasing Tourism, but ensuring that it is managed, and the infrastructure is there to support it.
RESOLVED: That the Environment and Community Panel recommends Cabinet approval for the progression of Officer work to expediate spend of the UKSPF funding for 2022/2023 and support for preparatory work to facilitate delivery of both the UKSPF and REPF programmes into 2023/24 as set out in the presentation.
Supporting documents: