Agenda item

To receive a report from the Monitoring Officer.



Click here to view a recording of this item on You Tube


The Monitoring Officer explained that the HAG was governed by its Terms of Reference.  A draft of the Terms of Reference (TOR) was produced by the external facilitator and was considered in detail by the HAG at its inaugural meeting on 26 May 2022.  The Panel was advised that what appeared to be a final version of the TOR dated 26 May 2022 was subsequently produced. In preparing the Briefing Note, it had been discovered that the ‘final version’ of the Terms of Reference was never formally adopted after the meeting on 26 May 2022.  Accordingly, the HAG had been recommended to review its TOR with a view to formally adopting them at a forthcoming HAG meeting.


Councillor Mrs Spikings commented that it was a well written report and went over and beyond what had been requested.


In response to a question from the Chair on the balance of funding from the Coastal Communities Fund, the Monitoring Officer explained that this was central Government funding and had no information on when the Fund was closed but highlighted that nothing local had been awarded recently.


The Deputy Leader provided background information on the CCT and following no further funding consideration was given to how the community could be involved in the Hunstanton Investment Plan.  The Deputy Leader went on to explain the role and benefits of the HAG.


The Chair commented that he was struggling to reconcile the dates when this idea came about because it was not shared with other political groups - Christmas 2021/2022, Levelling up Paper in February 2022, the Chief Executive made an operational decision and Press Releases prepared in 2021 released in early 2022.  In response the Deputy Leader explained during Covid the CCT had not met and the Deputy Leader was receiving questions/telephone calls September/October and engaged in a discussion with the Chief Executive Christmas 2021 to re-commence the meetings of the CCT and was there available officer resource to service the CCT.  There as then the idea to re-launch the CCT, a press release was released in January 2022 and one of the comments was from the Mayor of Hunstanton who welcomed the idea and previously had played an important role and over the course of February 2022 when the Levelling up Funding was announced the next Press Release in March 2022 set out the details of the meeting to be held, the CCT was invited to attend and inviting volunteers.


The Chief Executive explained that the Press Release issued in January 2022 was issued following discussions regarding the Levelling up Fund when no announcement had been made but the Council had received indications that any funding coming forward required consultation and consideration was given as to how this could be achieved.  The Panel was informed that towards the end of January 2022, the Chief Executive explained that contact was made with the LGA Talent Bank to source a facilitator and in February the Council engaged with that process.


The Chair advised that he submit questions in writing regarding the timing of the issuing of the Press Releases.


The Chair referred to one of the key drivers being consultation responses received within timescales to ensure funding was not lost and asked if there were any examples.


In response, the Leader provided context and commented that a number of Councils across Norfolk including Great Yarmouth had seen that the Government had a competitive process and on a short timeframe to submit a bid.  The Leader explained that part of the criteria of the Towns Board was around levels of consultation,, etc and commented that if a Council was lucky enough to be in that environment there had to be mechanism in place to undertake such consultation within communities.  Examples were given of the Levelling up Fund – Oasis and the views  from Hunstanton Town Council and HAG were used as evidence.


The Monitoring Officer clarified that the Levelling up Fund White Paper lists multiple pots of available funding constantly for stakeholder involvement and obtain local views.


The Chair expressed concerned regarding the Town Deal Board and there being no access to it for other Councillors apart from the Administration and added he had been informed that HAG was not like the Town Deal Board but the Council’s Press Releases referred to it as a Town Deal Board.


The Leader advised that in preparation for the Panel meeting he had viewed the Press Releases and explained that the Press Release of 28 January 2022 referred to lessons learnt by the Town Deal Board and it dangerous to say that HAG was a replication of the Town Deal Board because it was an advisory group and two Borough Councillors were members of the group, one being an Independent as well as the Mayor of Hunstanton and an Hunstanton Town Councillor.  The Panel was reminded that the Town Deal Board was set up to get £25m into the Borough which would not have happened if it was not in place and reiterated that HAG was an advisory board.  However, the Leader explained that there were some lessons learnt around what sectors were used, consultation, etc and was therefore not a Towns Board for Hunstanton and that the press release did not state it was a Towns Board.


The Chair commented that he revisited the Press Release and commented that one of the lessons the Council did not appear to learn was around secrecy and transparency and understood that the Leader and Deputy Leader had attended a meeting and decided that the minutes would not be made public and asked if this was correct.  In response, the Deputy Leader explained that the Terms of Reference were still in process.  The Deputy Leader commented that at the next HAG meeting the Terms of Reference would be placed on the agenda to discuss how to ensure openness and transparency.


The Leader explained that the membership of the HAG comprised of local volunteers from Hunstanton and that the Mayor of Hunstanton had welcomed the setting up of the group.  The Panel was informed that an session had been held with an external facilitator to help share the future of Hunstanton.  In conclusion, the Leader explained that in his view it provided a mechanism to consult with the community.


The Chair commented that he was disappointed in the way the HAG went ahead but welcomed the community involvement.


The Chair thanked officers for the update report.


RESOLVED:  That the Briefing Note was noted by the Panel.


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