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The Senior Project Manager for the Guildhall Project provided the Panel with an update following the unsuccessful National Lottery Heritage Fund (NHLF) Application to support the St George’s Guildhall and Cultural Hub project and project next steps.
The Senior Project Manager provided feedback from the NHLF which included the ambitiousness of the project, associated risks and tight timescales for delivery. It was also noted that local objections to the proposals had been factored into their decision. The Panel was informed that the NHLF were still interested in maintaining dialogue with the Council and it was possible that smaller future bids could be submitted for different elements of the overall project.
It was confirmed that Town Deal Funding had been secured and it was important to continue to the next stage of the process. RIBA Stage 3 completion was due in September 2023 and at this stage the project would be reviewed and brought back to Cabinet for consideration on the way forward. The Activity Plan was also in the process of being reviewed and other funding sources were being looked at.
The Guildhall and Creative Hub Task Group had recently met to consider the CIO’s Constitution and would also meet to consider the Governing Documents.
The Chair thanked the Senior Project Manager for the information and invited questions and comments from the Panel, as summarised below.
In response to questions from Councillor Bone, it was explained that the setting up of the CIO was a long process and it could take up to twelve months to go through the Charity Commission processes. The Panel was reminded that the CIO had three founding Members who were working on the submission to the Charities Commission. The Guildhall and Creative Hub Task Group would be involved in establishing processes for the recruitment of longer standing Trustees in due course.
Councillor Morley asked for clarification on if the Town Deal Funding had been secured. It was explained that the first payment had been received for this financial year and as long as the Council kept up momentum of the project in accordance with the business case programme and financial profile the other tranches of funding would be released annually as programmed.
The Portfolio Holder for Business, Culture and Heritage explained that regular updates would be made available to the Task Group and Panel as appropriate and the Cabinet Report due in September 2023 would be brought through the Regeneration and Development Panel for consideration.
The Chair sympathised with officers who had worked so hard on the NHLF bid and commented that she was disappointed that local objections had been a factor. She asked officers to bring details of the budget of the project to the Panel’s next meeting. The Panel was advised that the budget had not changed from that which had been included in the Business Case and officers would bring this to the next Panel meeting in January.
Councillor Moriarty addressed the Panel under Standing Order 34 and encouraged Members to read the minutes from the Guildhall and Creative Hub Task Group meetings. He also asked about the role of the Town Deal Board going forward and referred to meeting of the Advisory Board, for which there were no recent published minutes. The Assistant Director confirmed that the role of the Project Board would be looked at including structures going forward and advised that the Advisory Group was not a decision making body.
The Chair commented that transparency was important and minutes of meetings needed to be available.
RESOLVED: 1. The report was noted.
2. Officer to bring details of the projects budget to the next meeting of the Regeneration and Development Panel.
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