Agenda item


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The report proposed the establishment of a Tourism Informal Working Group to deal with the number of Tourism related issues scheduled on the Work Programme and previously discussed at meetings of the Regeneration and Development Panel and Environment and Community Panel.


The Chair invited questions and comments from the Panel as summarised below.


Councillor Bower supported the Informal Working Group and indicated that she would like to be involved in its work, however she was happy to let other Members take the role of Core Members.


Councillor Beal indicated that he would like to sit on the Informal Working Group and provided the Panel with detail of the issues he would like to bring to the Group relating to Hunstanton, including car parking, events, an area for campervans and attractions.


Councillor Crofts commented that he would like to see the Informal Working Group investigate attracting coach trips to King’s Lynn and West Norfolk.


Councillor Bone indicated that he would like to sit on the Informal Working Group and asked about the frequency and timing of meetings.  The Chair explained that the Group would have the flexibility to meet remotely or as a hybrid and that she would sort arrangements with officers to get the Group established and arrange the first meeting.  She also reminded Members that it was proposed that there would be six Core Members on the Group, however it was anticipated that a wide range of Councillors would be invited to input into the work of the Group through brainstorming and workshop sessions.


Councillor Rose explained that he used to work for England Tourist Board and would be willing to help out as required.


Councillor Jones also indicated that he would like to be involved in the Group.


Councillor Moriarty addressed the Panel under Standing Order 34 and hoped that a Member of the Informal Working Group would come from a Rural Ward and that issues relating to rural tourism would be addressed.


The Chief Executive explained that once the Group had created a Work Programme they would be able to ensure that the relevant Councillors were asked for input at the right time.


The Chair explained that the proposal was for the Informal Working Group to be Chaired by an external facilitator which would be good for allowing all Councillors involved to make contributions.  She also commented that it was important for Rural Wards to be represented.


The Panel indicated their support for the establishment of the Informal Working Group and the Chair explained that she would meet with the relevant officers to take arrangements forward and keep the Panel updated via email as appropriate.


The Chair invited the Panel to put forward their initial thoughts for the Informal Working Group to consider as listed below:


·        Parking for coaches and visitors.

·        Rural bus Services.

·        Village Halls.

·        Mini Guides for West Norfolk areas.

·        Encouraging coach trips including liaising with tour operators.

·        Improved signage and being more welcoming to visitors.

·        The negative impact tourism can have on rural areas.

·        Ensuring the right facilities were available for visitors.

·        Seaside attractions and water sports.

·        Promotion of historic houses.

·        Staffing and resources.

·        Events

·        Creation of itineraries and packages that could be used to promote the area.

·        Promoting the history of West Norfolk to encourage tourism.

·        Fishing and maritime activities and events.

·        Sailing opportunities and linking up with other sailing destinations.

·        International marketing and links with the Hanseatic League.

·        Imaginative offerings for children and young people.

·        Review of the Destination Management Strategy and build on the Tourism Development Plan.


The Portfolio Holder for Business, Culture and Heritage informed the Panel that the Council did have a Full Time Tourism Officer and an Apprentice and once the Informal Working Group had looked at what they would like to achieve through a high level tourism strategy, then resources could be looked at.


RESOLVED: That the Informal Working Group be established as per the below arrangements.


1. The Terms of Reference for the Informal Working Group would be:


1.     To assist with the formation of a high-level strategy and action plan for Tourism in West Norfolk.

2.     To address the tourism related Notices of Motion referred to the Panel from Full Council and report back to the Panel on their findings.

3.     The Informal Working Group to comprise of six core members, be Chaired by an independent facilitator and draw in input from a range of Members as required.

4.     The Informal Working Group can meet in person or remotely.

5.     The Informal Working Group to report back their initial findings to the Regeneration and Development Panel in April 2023 and after that upon request from the panel.

6.     The Informal Working Group will remain established until such time the Regeneration and Development Panel see fit, so that the Informal Working Group can conduct post evaluation reviews as required.


2. Membership of the Informal Working Group would comprise:


-        Representatives from the Regeneration and Development Panel.

-        Representatives from the Environment and Community Panel.

-        A Ward Member from the King’s Lynn, Hunstanton and Downham Market areas.

-        A Ward Member from a Rural Ward that has a tourism offer or a coastal area.


It is proposed that there are six core members of the Informal Working Group, with the Informal Working Group drawing on different groups of Members for workshop sessions and input as appropriate.


3. The Informal Working Group be facilitated by an independent expert.  This will allow all Members of the Informal Working Group to get involved in workshop and brainstorming sessions.


4. The Informal Working Group to present an initial report back to the Panel in April 2023.  It is proposed that the Informal Working Group will remain constituted beyond this date so that they can conduct reviews of any work carried out.  The Informal Working Group to report back to the Regeneration and Development Panel as appropriate.


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