Agenda item

To consider the report and make any appropriate recommendations to Cabinet.


The Assistant to the Chief Executive presented the report which investigated future options for the Skatepark at Lynnsport with a view to providing a range of new facilities to enhance and improve the offer.  The next stage of the work would be to carry out the work to achieve cost certainty.


The Chair thanked the Assistant to the Chief Executive for her report and invited questions and comments from the Panel.


The Assistant to the Chief Executive and the Managing Director of Alive West Norfolk responded to questions from Councillors.  It was explained that Alive West Norfolk was reviewing their offer to look to reduce the leisure subsidy and the Kasset facility was currently operating at a loss. 


Information on the options for the facility were provided to members and it was explained that sustainable and popular activities would be considered.


Councillor Bullen commented that investment was also required in Downham Market and the Managing Director explained that this project was looking at options for an existing facility at Lynnsport, however Alive West Norfolk were committed to invest in Downham Market.


Councillor Kemp addressed the Panel under Standing Order 34 and indicated her support for investment in the younger generation.  She stated that she would like to see free facilities available and commented that young people should be consulted on what facilities they would like.  The Managing Director, Alive West Norfolk confirmed that a skate bowl would be made available as part of the development and there would be provision for people with disabilities.


Councillor Morley addressed the Panel under Standing Order 34 and commented that there needed to be a technical feasibility study.  Officers provided information on the research that had already been carried out as part of the feasibility study and the work that was still to be done.  Information was also provided on how the next stage of taking the project forward would be funded and Members were reminded that a further report would need to be brought to Cabinet for any development.


Councillor Squire commented that young people needed to be consulted on what facilities they would like to see and that with the cost of living crises families may not be able to spend money on leisure activities. 


The Assistant to the Chief Executive explained that the Business Case would be robust and the Council would ensure that due diligence was carried out and a further report would be brought to Cabinet to set out any proposals for development.


Councillor Crofts commented that this type of facility had been popular in other parts of the Country and it was important to undertake a commercial venture to reduce the amount of leisure subsidy.


Councillor Squire proposed an amendment to the recommendation so that it read: “Cabinet is requested to agree to support Alive West Norfolk to progress the work to form a full Business Case”.  This amendment was seconded by Councillor de Whalley and agreed by the Panel.


RESOLVED: That the Environment and Community Panel recommend the below revised recommendation to Cabinet:


That Cabinet is requested to agree to support Alive West Norfolk to progress the work to form a full Business Case.