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It was noted that the draft Constitution belonged to the CIO and was independent to the Council. The Council’s role and relationship with the CIO would be clarified through a Governing Document (Service Level Agreement) which would be presented to the Task Group once it had been drafted.
The Task Group considered the draft Constitution and made the following comments which would be fed back to the CIO for consideration.
Councillor Morley asked for clarification on construction and build and if this should be included in the Charitable Objectives. It was explained that the Charitable Objectives were selected from a predetermined list and roles and responsibilities could be clarified through the Service Level Agreement. It was clarified that the Borough Council were responsible for physical changes to the building and the CIO would operate the site.
Councillor de Whalley commented that the provision of services and goods, potential for conflict of interests and the removal of Trustees who were not acting in the best interest of the Trust needed to be included in the Constitution.
The Task Group considered the name of the CIO and suggested that it should be changed to ‘St George’s Guildhall and Creative Hub King’s Lynn’.
Councillor Morley referred to additional funding that would be sought and if it would be used for construction and design, as this would need to be covered in the Constitution and the charitable objectives.
Clarification was sought on part 4.1 of the draft constitution which set out how the charity could use the property as security on borrowing and it was explained that this would be controlled through the Service Level Agreement which would be considered by the Task Group at a future meeting.
Councillor Moriarty asked about the Trustees, and it was explained that these should be independent from the Council and detail would be included in the Service Level Agreement.
It was clarified that the meetings of the CIO would not be administered by the Democratic Services Team at the Borough Council. Councillor Moriarty sought clarification on ‘days’ mentioned in the Constitution and that the CIO clarify if this referred to working days or actual days.
Councillor Morley referred to widening the number of Trustees and it was explained that once the Charity had been incorporated, more permanent Trustees would be sought, and the Task Group could assist with the recruitment process for Trustees. The Task Group asked for the CIO to clarify the quorum in the draft Constitution and that it should be a minimum of a third or four members. Clarification was also sought on if substitutes would be permitted.
Clarity was sought on funding streams relating to construction and other activities and how overall spend, and capital spend would be broken down between the organisations, especially when it came to applying for funding.
Officers would submit the Task Group’s comments to the CIO for consideration and report back to the Task Group as required.
ACTIONS: 1. The comments from the Task Group be passed on to the CIO for consideration.
2. The Task Group considered the name of the CIO and suggested that it should be changed to ‘St George’s Guildhall and Creative Hub King’s Lynn’.
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