Agenda item


RESOLVED:  1)         That the draft Business Case as set out in appendix 1 be endorsed.

2)     That delegated authority be granted to the Chief Executive, the Deputy Leader and the Portfolio Holder for Development and Regeneration to approve the final Business Case in their capacity as representatives of the Council on the Town Deal Board.

3)     That delegated authority be granted to the Section 151 Officer to approve the final Business Case and sign the Business Case Summary Document for submission to government in the Council’s capacity as Accountable Body for the Town Deal.  

4)     That the future revenue costs associated with the operation of the Active Travel Hubs detailed in section 7 be approved; to be built into operational budgets from 2023/4.

5)     That delegated authority be granted to the Assistant Director for Programme & Project Delivery to progress with the planning, procurement and delivery of the projects within the Business Case, subject to the Business Case approval by government. 


Reason for Decision


To approve the Business Case as the Accountable Body for the Towns Fund to ensure the funding is secured to deliver the Active & Clean Connectivity programme to deliver the investment priorities in the Town Investment Plan for King’s Lynn and support the long term economic prosperity of the town.


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Assistant Director – D Ousby presented the report which in the same way as the previous two reports summarised the business case for the Town Deal - Active & Clean Connectivity programme (ACC) for approval by the Cabinet in the Council’s capacity as the “Accountable Body” to DLUCH and as part of the Council’s role on the Town Deal Board, and set out financial and operational considerations for the Council once the works were completed.


It was explained that there was the ability to amend the LCWIP project moving forward, and the comments made at the Regeneration and Development Panel particularly regarding Edward Benefer Way had been taken on board.


Under standing order 34 Councillor Morley questioned where the level of financial benefits of the scheme had been derived from and questioned the extension of the car park of the Enterprise Zone. 


Under standing order 34 Councillor de Whalley stated he did not support the ACC as he couldn’t support the additional 50 car parking spaces on the Enterprise Zone.  He considered that more dedicated cycle routes would be used much more.


Cabinet, in debating the item drew attention to the large amounts of improved cycling and walking routes which would be provided in the town as it was essential to improve the access through the town on foot or cycle to help improve the pollution levels.  It was acknowledged it would take a big  shift to encourage those in rural areas not to use their cars to enter the town centre.  The potential around West Winch and Knights Hill were referred to.


The Assistant Director in response to the point raised regarding financial benefits explained that the case was built using an appraisal tool designed by the Department of Transport.


The comments of the Regeneration and Development Panel were noted.


RESOLVED:  1)         That the draft Business Case as set out in appendix 1 be endorsed.


2)            That delegated authority be granted to the Chief Executive, the Deputy Leader and the Portfolio Holder for Development and Regeneration to approve the final Business Case in their capacity as representatives of the Council on the Town Deal Board.


3)            That delegated authority be granted to the Section 151 Officer to approve the final Business Case and sign the Business Case Summary Document for submission to government in the Council’s capacity as Accountable Body for the Town Deal.  


4)            That the future revenue costs associated with the operation of the Active Travel Hubs detailed in section 7 be approved; to be built into operational budgets from 2023/4.


5)            That delegated authority be granted to the Assistant Director for Programme & Project Delivery to progress with the planning, procurement and delivery of the projects within the Business Case, subject to the Business Case approval by government. 


Reason for Decision


To approve the Business Case as the Accountable Body for the Towns Fund to ensure the funding is secured to deliver the Active & Clean Connectivity programme to deliver the investment priorities in the Town Investment Plan for King’s Lynn and support the long term economic prosperity of the town.

Supporting documents: