RESOLVED: 1) That the draft Business Case as set out in appendix 1 to the report be endorsed.
2) That delegated authority be granted to the Chief Executive, the Deputy Leader and the Portfolio Holder for Development and Regeneration to approve the final Business Case in their capacity as representatives of the Council on the Town Deal Board.
3) That delegated authority be granted to the Section 151 Officer to approve the final Business Case and sign the Business Case Summary Document for submission to government in the Council’s capacity as Accountable Body for the Town Deal.
4) That the transfer of the relevant freehold land to Norfolk County Council be approved on the terms set within this report, to facilitate the delivery of the Multi-User Community Hub.
5) That delegated authority be granted to the Assistant Director for Legal Services & Licensing tomake and complete all necessary documents in relation to the proposed transfer of the Borough Council freehold land interest referred to within this report.
Reason for Decision
To ensure the funding is secured to deliver the Multi-User Community Hub project; to deliver the investment priorities in the Town Investment Plan for King’s Lynn and support the long term economic prosperity of the town.
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Assistant Director D Hall presented the report which in the same way as the previous item summarised the business case for the Multi-User Community Hub project for review by the Cabinet in the Council’s capacity as the “Accountable Body” to DLUHC. As the project was a Norfolk County Council led project.
Natacha Hayes and Verity Bennett from the County Council were present to respond to any questions.
Under standing order 34 Councillor de Whalley commented that the existing Carnegie library was in need of repair and he considered the MUCH was not as good as the existing library and may not be as popular with the older generation. He expressed concern about the reduction in County Council library budgets.
Under standing order 34 Councillor Morley made the observation that library services had to evolve and modernise with society. He expressed the wish to ensure the Carnegie library was maintained and used.
Cabinet discussed the bid acknowledging it was more than just a library but was the opportunity to take a disused area of the town centre and bring it back into use whilst increasing footfall in the town. It was acknowledged that the design of the building was an essential factor, and was being led by the Town Board group led by Bishop Jane.
Cabinet acknowledged that the Carnegie library had no part in this bid, but it was reiterated that there was commitment from the County Council and Borough Council that it had a role going forward, and any future use needed to be respectful of its heritage.
The comments from the Regeneration and Development Panel were noted, and it was clarified that the new building would have twice the footprint of the existing library.
The Chief Executive explained that discussions were also taking place at officer level between the County and Borough councils on the Carnegie library.
The Chair thanked the County Council officers for attending.
RESOLVED: 1) That the draft Business Case as set out in appendix 1 to the report be endorsed.
2) That delegated authority be granted to the Chief Executive, the Deputy Leader and the Portfolio Holder for Development and Regeneration to approve the final Business Case in their capacity as representatives of the Council on the Town Deal Board.
3) That delegated authority be granted to the Section 151 Officer to approve the final Business Case and sign the Business Case Summary Document for submission to government in the Council’s capacity as Accountable Body for the Town Deal.
4) That the transfer of the relevant freehold land to Norfolk County Council be approved on the terms set within this report, to facilitate the delivery of the Multi-User Community Hub.
5) That delegated authority be granted to the Assistant Director for Legal Services & Licensing tomake and complete all necessary documents in relation to the proposed transfer of the Borough Council freehold land interest referred to within this report.
Reason for Decision
To ensure the funding is secured to deliver the Multi-User Community Hub project; to deliver the investment priorities in the Town Investment Plan for King’s Lynn and support the long term economic prosperity of the town.
Supporting documents: