Agenda item


RESOLVED:              That the King’s Lynn Town Deal Local Assurance Framework be amended by replacing the diagram on page 10 with the diagram set out at Appendix 2 to the report.


Reason for Decision


To ensure that the governance arrangements around the Towns Board are realistic and fit for purpose.



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The Monitoring Officer presented a report which explained that a requirement of a Town Deal was to implement a Local Assurance process for the development and sign off of individual Business Cases for the Towns Deal projects, to finally be signed off by the Section 151 Officer and Town Deal Board Chair. This was a locally devised framework and therefore each town awarded a Towns Deal would have developed their own bespoke framework.


Cabinet approved existing King’s Lynn’s Towns Deal Local Assurance Framework (LAF) on 24 August 2021. The LAF was developed as a projection of how the governance and decision making would work, however given the concept of a ‘Town Board’ represented an entirely new way of working for the Council, this projection was not based on any relevant experience. Now that the Town Deal Programme Board had had experience of taking business cases through this governance framework, it had identified improvements that could be made to streamline the process without losing any of the governance oversight.


Under standing order 34 Councillor de Whalley addressed Cabinet expressed concerns that the risks for the projects were significant, and also reflected that the riverfront plan needed to be sympathetic with the key buildings and protecting the heritage of the Custom House.


Under standing order 34 Councillor Morley referred to correspondence he had had with the Monitoring Officer on the subject where she had answered a number of questions.  He stated that he did not believe that the paper had enhanced the project assurance process.  He didn’t think that the diagram fully explained the process and that in the Guildhall case that many of the boxes or arrows were explained.  He felt that it should reflect what we had done. He also considered that the Consultants employed were not classed as independent, but experts and also that due diligence was not complete until the Panels had considered them. 


Under standing order 34 Councillor Moriarty sought clarification as to whether this was a cabinet decision.  It was confirmed it was a cabinet decision.


Under standing order 34 Councillor Parish concurred with Councillor Morley’s comments and also commented that he was not happy with the Town Board as it had no opposition members on it.  The change was moving the draft proposals before the Town Board had seen them which meant panels couldn’t influence it.


The Monitoring officer confirmed that a wholesale review of the LAF would be carried out


Councillor Middleton commented that comments from members and stakeholders had been listened to and hence the proposed changes.  He considered it a more efficient way of dealing with things.  He referred to how other councils were carrying out this process. He confirmed that this Councils way of progressing was thorough and allowed member to have their say.  He confirmed there was risk, but as much of it was mitigated as possible, but in order to deliver for the town it was important to move forward.  He confirmed that the Government had agreed the re-prioritised list of projects.  He also confirmed that the comments on protecting the heritage buildings were in line with his views to maintain and enhance in an appropriate way.


Councillor Long asked whether the processes were all requirements of the Government, or additionally put in place.  The Monitoring Officer explained that when asked by officers, the Government had said it was a local decision to make.  Their only requirement was to submit the business case and signed off by the Town Board Chair (with the S151 Officer).  All other processes had been put in place locally.  Councillor Long was happy with the additional measures put in place to ensure Councillors had the opportunity to have input.


Councillor Kunes commented on the look after the Custom House, but not necessarily for it to stay in its current usage, as it had changes such over the years.


Councillor Blunt referred to the amount of work that had gone into the process so far, but that the diagram was to show the flow, not the detailed information.  It was trying to reflect the fact that it gave members the opportunity in the process.  It was in order to create a business case to get signed off.


Councillor Dark in referring to the points made there were no major omissions in the diagram. It brought rationalisation and clarity.


RESOLVED:              That the King’s Lynn Town Deal Local Assurance Framework be amended by replacing the diagram on page 10 of the document with the diagram set out at Appendix 2 to the report.


Reason for Decision


To ensure that the governance arrangements around the Towns Board are realistic and fit for purpose.


Supporting documents: