RESOLVED: 1) That, having also been noted at the meeting of the Local Plan Task Group - the Draft South East King’s Lynn Growth Area Framework Masterplan SPD (Appendix 1 to the report) be approved for a statutory 6 week consultation
2) That the contents of this report be noted and the Draft South East King’s Lynn Growth Area Framework Masterplan SPD (Appendix 1 to the report) be approved for a statutory 6 week consultation, and
3) That delegated authority be granted to the Planning Policy Manager in consultation with Cabinet Member for Development and Regeneration - to consider and agree any minor amendments and consultation arrangements required to finalise the document for consultation.
Reason for Decision
Preparation and adoption of the South East King’s Lynn Growth Area Framework Masterplan SPD will provide guidance to assist in the determination of planning applications that fall within the West Winch Growth Area. The production of an SPD will ensure general conformity with the policies contained in the Council’s Core Strategy (2011), the Site Allocations and Development Management Policies (2016) which are being carried forward into the Local Plan Review.
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The Planning Policy Manager presented a report which sought authorisation to undertake a statutory 6 week consultation on the draft South East King’s Lynn Growth Area Framework masterplan supplementary planning document which was a high level master plan for the area. Once the consultation was completed a further report would be brought to Cabinet and Council for consideration of the final document.
Councillor Blunt commended the document to Members and drew attention to the consultative work which had been carried out to date with the West Winch Stakeholders Group and the Local Plan Task Group.
Under standing order 34 Councillor de Whalley expressed the view that the scale of the development was unprecedented and he believed the infrastructure was car centric, and encouraged a further enhanced active travel offer and better access to rail.
Under standing order 34 Councillor Morley drew attention to places and spaces in the document. He considered that the section on design and density and climate change should be merged as the need for protecting people from the heat.
Under standing order 34, Councillor Joyce drew attention to the need for other services such as doctors surgery, not only the road.
Councillor Long drew attention to the fact the document would go out for consultation where members could express their views. He reminded Members that it had been in the Local Plan for a number of years. It was important to develop it well and see what came back from the consultation. He drew attention to the fact that the Government future views on housing number were not known at this stage.
Councillor Lawrence supported the document for consultation.
Councillor Middleton, in supporting the proposal drew attention to the importance for people to read the document and the elements contained within it. He drew attention to the work of the Stakeholder Group in the run up to this stage.
The Regeneration and Development Panel had supported the document.
RESOLVED: 1) That, having also been noted at the meeting of the Local Plan Task Group - the Draft South East King’s Lynn Growth Area Framework Masterplan SPD (Appendix 1 to the report) be approved for a statutory 6 week consultation
2) That the contents of this report be noted and the Draft South East King’s Lynn Growth Area Framework Masterplan SPD (Appendix 1 to the report) be approved for a statutory 6 week consultation, and
3) That delegated authority be granted to the Planning Policy Manager in consultation with Cabinet Member for Development and Regeneration - to consider and agree any minor amendments and consultation arrangements required to finalise the document for consultation.
Reason for Decision
Preparation and adoption of the South East King’s Lynn Growth Area Framework Masterplan SPD will provide guidance to assist in the determination of planning applications that fall within the West Winch Growth Area. The production of an SPD will ensure general conformity with the policies contained in the Council’s Core Strategy (2011), the Site Allocations and Development Management Policies (2016) which are being carried forward into the Local Plan Review.
Supporting documents: