Agenda item


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Norfolk County Council officers presented the report which provided an overview of Norfolk County Council’s proposed application under the Transport strand of round 2 of the Levelling Up Fund and set out the proposed scheme to be submitted by 6 July 2022.  The Borough Council were being asked to indicate their support for the application.


It was noted that the project was still in its early stages of development.

A copy of the presentation is attached.


The Chair thanked officers for their presentation and invited questions and comments from the Panel, as summarised below.


Councillor Bone made reference to the Ford Garage and asked why this was planned to be retained.  Officers explained that the project was still in its early stages and could be subject to change.


The Vice Chair, Councillor Gidney made reference to Hardings Way and how drivers could get frustrated when they were stuck in traffic and this route was not being used.  He also made reference to air quality and that the architecture of the area.


Councillor Jones commented that cyclists need to be accommodated and he had concerns regarding the safety of the proposed route.  The Panel was reminded that plans and drawings were indicative at this stage.  Key user groups and stakeholder groups would be involved in the development process as required.


Councillor Moriarty made reference to air quality and hoped that the areas included in the proposals would be monitored now, so that when schemes were put in place the areas could be compared.  He also made reference to an error within the Equalities Impact Assessment Form within the report, which would be corrected.  Officers explained that Norfolk County Council and the Borough Council would work together to look at air quality issues and monitoring.


Councillor de Whalley referred to West Norfolk Bicycle User Group and expressed some of their concerns relating to crossings, junctions, and the area around the Cattle Market car park.  Officers explained that these issues would be looked at as the scheme was developed.


Councillor Kemp addressed the Panel under Standing Order 34.  She felt that the Southgates area was an accident black spot and any proposals needed to ensure safety for cyclists.  She made reference to additional traffic which would be associated with the West Winch development, the importance of clean connectivity and the importance of the Ferry as a route into the town centre.


Councillor Hudson addressed the Panel under Standing Order 34.  She commented that if the Ford Garage was demolished this would provide additional space to increase the width of the road and add cycle lanes.


In response to a question from Councillor Humphrey, it was explained that detailed costings would be looked at, along with contingency plans.  It was explained that the proposed land contribution from the Borough Council was subject to further development work and would come back to the Cabinet for approval.


RESOLVED: That the Regeneration and Development Panel support the recommendations to Cabinet, as set out below.




1.    Cabinet endorses the application being made by Norfolk County Council (appendix 1) and provides a letter of support.

2.    In principle support to provide a land value contribution to the scheme, subject to a further report to cabinet once details of the scheme and land required is confirmed, if the application by Norfolk County Council is successful. 

Supporting documents: